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Everything posted by BRY

  1. Moley pm sent mate very interested Bry
  2. Very nice pics Them rabbits look good size as well (heavyweight ) lol
  3. Hows that gwp pup mate ? Bry
  4. Well it would have the effect of the bar having a shorter distance to travel when the trap was activated so hence a quicker kill i suppose..........i will check with Kania and get back to you. Rolfe. With the shorter distance to travel and making the the spring even stronger by putting more pressure on the spring ? Bry
  5. if i knew how to attach a copy of mine i'd send it u Bry
  6. WATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Nearly ton 50 :doh: couldn't u make them ?
  7. my mate has 1 bitch gwp pup left , great hunting pedigree in S. WALES
  8. hope this works lol and don't visit same time every day so the public cotton on and watch what your up to anddddddddddd be carefull they don't spot your van/4x4 wat ever Bry
  9. i would go for kania's ,but being in a public place it would have to be early mornings or just before dusk when you check them. once the public find out what you are up to then your in for some stick, so keep it as low key as poss. also paint the galv trap either green or brown a few weeks before using them so to camoflage them as much as poss from the publics eye view. Good luck and make sure you price it well , hope that helps Bry
  10. Neutrik NL2FC Speakon 2 Pin Plug Cable 6-10mm (Code:20077) Neutrik NL2FC Speakon 2 Pin Plug Cable 6-10mmPlease click on the link for more information... Price: £1.74 (Ex VAT) Quantity: More Information... Neutrik NL2MP Speakon 2 Pin Socket Chassis Small Square Flange (Code:20080) Neutrik NL2MP Speakon 2 Pin Socket Chassis Small Square FlangePlease click on the link for more information... Price: £1.17 (Ex VAT) Quantity: http://www.sabre-international.com/iqs/sfa...ors-prices.html Get some of these and the other connector to go with it i will try get pics of mine f
  11. CHEERS BRY I WILL HAVE A LOOK NOW WHATS THE SITE ADDRESS http://www.ukpcoforum.co.uk/index.php?act=idx
  12. well done TITCHY69 hope all goes well (i'm a pestie based in Newport ) Nice site Have you Thought about joining UKPCO ? lots friendly pesties on there come on board mate Bry
  13. BRY


    i had a male hh that wouldn't take fur , i put loads under him he would just watch them hop off lol. But on feather wowwwwwwww he was a different bird.
  14. i'm in newport i'm a Professional Pest Controller also like a bit of nite rat shooting if theres lots of rats lol Bry
  15. Vincy i'm busy next week, i'll contact you when i can. Depends on how many moles are there, i won't give many tricks away but i can show you the basics so you can practise and learn (as i did ) practice practice practice the m more practice lol. theres a few different types traps out there, so you need to get to know which type suits you and the ground you are trapping Unless you are suitilbilly trained the then use of Phozzie or Taulnex can be a dangerous game, and getting hold of it without proof of traing can also be hard ( unless you get it from someone ), If there are a lot
  16. CITY EASY MOLES LOL <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d105/brytries/P1010131.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
  17. no come on now . you boys down that way know you cant sort a mole problem out. to start with you got the city moles,,,,,where you come from ,and the realy hard to catch, valleys moles where i come from :clapper: TAWNY BRY
  18. you might know me and i might know you lol if your in malpas i was a bettws boy
  19. vincy how many moles we on about here ? i live in newport and molling is part of me trade so i might be able to help u out ( as long as it doesn't cost me lol) No poison, just traps Bry
  20. that hare in the last but 1 pic looks bald on its rear end ? back leg ? Bry
  21. i seen 1 working 2 weeks ago seen loads flames coming from the mesh piece. Once he got it sorted and it warmed up properly before using it, it did produce lots and lots of smoke very silently as well. The rats didn't bolt at all :wallbash: , so we turned back to the 2stroke petrol motor. i was going to buy 1 of these new smokers meself ,but i don't think i'll bother yet lol Bry
  22. BRY


    Glad you got sorted with a GWP pup I've had a GWP for 10 yrs now great dogs but can be hard work Bry
  23. if i knew mate i'd tell you , but i know theres a guy in west wales breeding them Sorry
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