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Everything posted by BRY

  1. I still can't get my head around filling the talpex with soil?????? around where i trap its usually stoney ground or clay. That would mean me carrying around a sack of sieved soil to fill in. Glad you liked the talpex Phil Bry
  2. BRY

    More Pics

    Nice pics But a warning about letting longdogs running about together in LONG GRASS. I had a great pair of working longdogs, always let them run free when out on exercise. One day when the grass was long these 2 were running around playing like nutters (as they did for the first 10 mins or more ) Well all of a sudden i hear a big thump the 2 had run head on collision in the long grass not seeing each other. Both of them were on the floor squealing, i had to have both pts because they had bad spinal injuries. I NEVER LET ANY OF MY LONGDOGS RUN IN LONG GRASS ANYMORE Bry
  3. BRY

    Puppy run over!

    sorry to hear about the pup Quote/// , as the pavement is just not wide enough due to a neighbours bush over hanging the path, a car doing about 45 in a 30 hit her, snapped the lead and sent her about 30ft up the road. I'd go take pics of the overhanging bush then report them, saying it could have been a child or oldage pensioner who had to step out into the road because of the bush, try suing to cowbag and getting your vets bill paid back
  4. looked a gusty fooker when i seen it yesaday
  5. Oh dear Glad i NEVER sent off ANY
  6. i have been using talpex for yrs now i tried your filling in rolfe. Doesn't work for me we got clay type soil here and a lot of small stones in the soil too. Supose its diiferent in your area. Same to Steve i couldn't fill as you do also, only needs a small stone getting between the jaws then NO CATCH. But all GOOD stuff Bry
  7. email on its way mate like some details too, is it only 1 person per postcode area ? info@generalpestcontrol.co.uk Bry
  8. ok i see the pics and it doesn't catch the back end, but as woodga says the thing that lets it down is the trap is only a 1 directionable trap. Most of the mole traps we use over here in the UK can catch a mole going either way up the tube. unless you can get the run where moley is coming out or going back, then you will have it back filled by our moles. Looks a handy little trap thou
  9. Looks like that trap will catch the BACK END of the mole
  10. the prototype i had was good but i seen the new add on and that was better lol, but Gav said the dedicated production model will be as good as the new add on (it has the same chips and sensors as the add on) My aspro is a yr old now, and gav doesn't make them any more. I will wait till things settle down then i'll most prob sell my aspro and get the new add on Bry
  11. have u seen the new aspro's? WICKED i tell you, i like the add ons i had the prototype of the new dedicated n v here from gav thats was good too
  12. u got a aspro as well uk ? i use my aspro on my rapid my rimmy and my 222 with great success Bry No bry you don’t need higher mounts you might need to move the scope back a bit or if you have a scope with the large side wheel it wont go in because it goes in left hand side and the 7 shot goes in the right Cheers monkey thats me fooked then lol. On my rapid i have a mtc with side para wheel (which i find very handy to use with my aspro digi add on nv). Means i'll have to have 7 shot mags then arh well way it goes. Thanks for the info anyway Bry the 12 shot mag
  13. yes they do fit Cheers monkey that means, no point in me getting a 7 shot mag might as well buy 2-3 12 shot types. I have had this rapid for a long time now and its served me very well. Its only the plastic mags that let it down. Will i need higher scope mounts if i use the 12 shot Monkey ? Bry No bry you don’t need higher mounts you might need to move the scope back a bit or if you have a scope with the large side wheel it wont go in because it goes in left hand side and the 7 shot goes in the right Cheers monkey thats me fooked then lol. On my rapid i have a mtc
  14. yes they do fit Cheers monkey that means, no point in me getting a 7 shot mag might as well buy 2-3 12 shot types. I have had this rapid for a long time now and its served me very well. Its only the plastic mags that let it down. Will i need higher scope mounts if i use the 12 shot Monkey ? Bry
  15. will the 12 shot .22 fit a 7 shot mk 1 ? Bry
  16. not sure about that masmiffy, mine is a mk1 rapid 7 .22 i got about 6 mags a few are naffed but if FUBAR can make them in alloy it would be great. I reckon if they aren't over expensive too he will get a lot of orders Bry
  17. can you make one for a rapid ? Not shure mate never seen a rapid magazine post a photo up please, is it .22 or what ? what materials , springs, balls etc .Have made some for a falcon. I think it was. hi there its 22 here is a pic i would be intrested in a few mags for my faithfull Rapid 7 as well if the price is right .Cheers Fubar Bry
  18. Bro-inlaw got a chipper for sale i'll ask him wat it is etc he's from the forest of dean any good? just phoned him , its only a 3inch Huskqana Bry
  19. . Currently taking rabbits with head shots at 220 yds with illuminator. fitted to 17 HMR
  20. I set so fine.........the pin only has to move a fraction to trigger...........never yet had a problem with earth or stones stopping the firing of the trap.........if you use fine soil from a mole hill and don't compact it........it works well. Rolfe. Well its always good to learn new tricks i will give it a go . Not at the 2 farms i'm on at the mo cause they are grey sticky clay ground Cheers Rolfe Bry
  21. rolfe doesn't the soil u use to fill get between the plate trigger and the bar coming across , stopping the trigger plate going up fast and jaming? any little stone gets between it won't spring and stones also can jam the jaws open (even the tinyest) so watch out for them stones Bry
  22. That is superb Bry... I wonder how many years it will take before you achieve such a thing again.... All the best, CHALKWARREN.... Hey Chalkie did you get them talpex traps after ? if so what do you think of them. The other nite when you said your thumbs are knackered , my thumbs were very sore from setting all them bloody traps, so i put plasters around the thumbs then thin latex gloves , helped alot Bry
  23. Nope...........use Talpex all the time and never had a double in one.........male and female were they........or didn't you look?...........also i presume they were facing each other when caught? Rolfe. A female was in front , followed by a male. Head to Tail they were Bry
  24. Had my FIRST DOUBLE in a TALPEX trap this afternoon, i tugged on the trap but it was hard to get out then WOWWWW its a DOUBLE :clapper: I've had doubles in DUFFUS but never in TALPEX in the 10 or so years i been using TALPEX Anyone else had a double in 1 ? Bry
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