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Everything posted by BRY

  1. i have left 2 jills and a hob in the same time, the 2 jills kicked the hob out of the nesting box and reared each others young. So i removed the hob as he was sleeping outside .
  2. BRY


    i got 3 but not the smallest and not he biggest, i'm in newport as well pm me if interested . Im looking for a vasectomied hob to put on my 2 gills Bry
  3. searching the net as you do i found these http://www.flyonthewall.uk.com/erol.html seem very cheap. will these be ok for lamping ? Look under accessories they scroll down and look at 12v Lithium Battery with Charger
  4. Nice 1 socks when Joe lived in Cwmbran, I treated Ants and trapped moles for him on his lawn. His sister lived next door to me for a few yrs ( me mrs had a fight with her and sorted her out too ) Bry
  5. I think moles can learn to be trap shy to a point, where people have tried to catch them before and failed miserably but setting traps wrongly in the runs then going onto other deterants . i have a mole job on at the moment were 2 other firms have failed badly to get this mole on a big lawn, i have caught the surrounding offenders but this mole on the lawn is very tricky to get. and its a fair traveling distance to. I WILL GET HIM Bry
  6. Interesting that chalkey, what are they based around? Be nice to see a picture Bry
  7. Don't worry Rolfe Donky is a townie and after any freebies hahahahaahha
  8. Nice to see the pup is doing well, All takes time Bry
  9. Worked alright mate. Great to see a thread like this getting posts. Dogs like ours dont get much talk on this site. Wrong time of year i guess CASS the GWP is nearly 13 now and still working been a fantastic bitch and a great guard dog watching over the kids. I won't get another like her
  10. no prob, i kind of keep myself to myself.... maybe not such a good thing.. that bloke & his Mrs that were sitting at the front right took the fly as it was said they were the " future " of the pest industry... you didnt miss much by leaving early, just a few questions asked to Ian & Ross, covering exactly what was said in the first place.. but as MT said, they are organizing a follow up date to see how every one is progressing, ill try to make it to that... rich forgot to say, you missed one bloke getting ripped by Ross about his business cards, something to the effe
  11. Nice Video Monkey, best aspro footage i have seen. also nice to see footage of rats and buns being taken out too. I also have the aspro. use it on 3 different rifles. Are you using a AGS scope? Bry
  12. Many thanks to johnb for the great service of sending me the pliers for cage trap making (very quick service ) And quality tool and clips. Cheers John Bry
  13. Bargin to be had there , looks like you have a few boxes of 7amps as well? OPPS just realized picture is 2005
  14. actually had a sandy soil mole job on this week so i decided to try Rolfes way of filling the trap with the soil. And IT WORKED nice wish i had more sandy soil jobs as it makes it much easier lol. Cheers Rolfe Bry
  15. i joined a few months ago had half a pig of 1 of the guys very very very tastefully it was not much left be time for the other half soon . Some good reading about country living on there also. http://overthegate.myfreeforum.org/index.php
  16. Another belter Rolfe, did you strip to your boxers and poke it with a stick to see if if they were home? Oooooooo........God.......don't bear thinking about that Nice 1 Rolfe Not had many wasps yet here in South Wales Bry
  17. here u are guys http://www.northerntooluk.com/products.asp?partno=168630E ENJOY This might be handy as well http://www.northerntooluk.com/products.asp...p;allpartno=YES
  18. i arranged to meet Gav at your Heart of wales show last yr. Nice bloke but he takes his time in getting the goods out lol BUT WORTH IT
  19. i got mtc 3-12x44/ mtc 4-16x50 & niteater 8-32x44 works well with all them, better with mtc scopes thou
  20. Dusty gb add on 's not al long as other add on nv You will be surprised
  21. Hi i have had an ASPRO add on for the past 14 months, takes some getting used to but they are good. My mate down in Porthcawl has the new add on and its much better than mine . You do need a low mag side paralax scope for them to work good. i use MTC scopes Bry
  22. nice, where did u get the clips and tool from to hold the trap together ? If you don't mind me asking
  23. just seen this GOOD FOOTAGE http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7458007.stm
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