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Everything posted by BRY

  1. TC that pestie didnt get the Queen , £130.00 bloody hell i'd travel your way at that price lol. Only wasp i done so far is 1 in my shed, bloody loads white tailed bumbles about thou
  2. Jai if you get any really fatty bellies , i'll have some off you to cure mate . Looks like your gonna have a lot of the scaleys about coming up soon, try keep on top of them before it gets out of had mate. Looking good thou
  3. It wipes rabbits out FASTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT not like mixxi
  4. You having a BBQ on a workparty day ? and your Pork on the barbi ? if so book me in that day
  5. a few more ££££££££ you can get the Pulsar 750a John, i used to sell NV from TJ's
  6. I would have been interested in that J, but soldier on mate. Not many get the chance you have.
  7. sounding good mate, i'll pop up 1 day have a nose lol Get [BANNED TEXT] ole man to text me [BANNED TEXT] mob no so i can find out when [BANNED TEXT] up there Bry
  8. Handy for you then mate . Are you coming out with Carl on the golf course when i get it sorted ? ( lamping & ferting next winter )
  9. Jai you jammy sod, i've been looking for somewhere like this for a few years. Good luck on it mate
  10. If you cut a Duffs in half it would only work 1 way, so 2 half types would have to be used in a run ( same as Trapline )
  11. Ever wanted to clean a knife or tool , by keep prodding it in and out of soil/mud even the rust becomes clean so on so on. Thats why moles look clean lol My version anyway
  12. Farms usually have a place where they burn rubbish, or a dumping pit . Ask the farmer.
  13. Bloody hell that's wicked number for a day out with terriers . With that many alot were missed i know, just think of the food those rats were taking. Sounds like your farmer contact hasn't a pest control contract ? but if he has then the pestie who has it should be sacked. Bet you had a great day and good laugh to, Welldone to all who took part in this Rat Cull
  14. Told u Leave some for me lol Good going there Mr
  15. You sorted yet Mr ? dont shoot ALL the wabbits leave a load for me and the NV
  16. We were told the same, Beaters day brought forward to the 4th Jan as they had a few really good days. But now the Greedy b*****ds have changed it back to the 1st feb . When they said we can have beaters day on the 4th Jan ( to make sure theres birds for us to shoot, we were happy as can be ) Last shoot day there were a lot of Guest guns and a few were taking birds on the end of their barrels , no need for that as they have got some high birds on all the drives.
  17. lost some mole traps have u lol
  18. I had a GWP for 12 years , first trained to work with the hawk. but after i got rid of the hawk she would work anything. Not like a spaniel or terrier and bush even if nothing in the cover, if she couldn't scent anything in the bush/cover she wouldn't work for nothing. Seen her get on belly and crawl throu some really thick cover , and if using her on rabbit shed point giving me /mates time to prepare to shoot. Fantastic guard dog, and great with my kids ( she wouldn't let no harm to the kids ) Depends on how you bring them up
  19. Have you many places to go rat shooting then John? and that a Sealehem or SLT in your avitar ?
  20. Suppose to be ok for the money John, seen some good write ups. To me they look like a old type camcorder but with NV . With most of these you need a suitable scope to match these
  21. i think i had a few tucked away somewhere YES thers micro collars
  22. Loads of acorns in your woods Jai i noticed them on the ground wednesday
  23. All i can say is "who ever was in charge of the beaters in that crop shouldn't have had any dogs in it " 128 is that your best day there ?
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