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Everything posted by Liljonny

  1. Ther were rspca raids in stoke the otherday a few well nown dog men who use this site had ther dogs took
  2. A mate of mine has a border in germany comes from this ladys line its only young around 18-20 month perfect size not to big or small has a good calm attitude I dug it myself about 8 times this season on badger and fox and it is spot on I heard they start slow but this ones flying I whuld kennle it anyway
  3. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kReqoYyg9eY
  4. Be nice with carpet over the slats
  5. Privacy Policy thl Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available in our footer and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested. Thl privacy policy Log files are maintained and analysed of all requests for files on this website's web servers. Log files do not capture personal information but do capture the user's IP address, which is automat
  6. Whats the name of the server you use if its not **"£$%^&*( ?
  7. Theres loads of information on the net about mods being able to read pmz on other sites
  8. Is hunting life run of **"£$%^&*( ?
  9. If this was said in court and used against him it wil be in his depths. Gobshite shuld have these depths infront of him or atleast read them himself before making statements like that edited for shite spelling
  10. But i agree with bobby if ianb has done that hes a c**t and i wont be back either
  11. Thats straight forwards westy if they got your computer and you have thl pinned or your password saved to log you in automaticly they have evrything you have ever posted on threads or in the last 50 pms ,,, even if its not pinned or not logged in and they have your computer they can and will get in regardless
  12. 126 comments on the link a few people stopping there donations to the rspca cant be bad when normal folk are saying ther taking the piss
  13. I always thought it was ilegal to fly the flag on a council house
  14. Ime not tryin debate with you , heres a example my freind 26 year old never owend a terrier before come out for a mooch with me 1 day this season first time the dog bolted 2 foxes he had a good time and was bringing working terriers up in converstation regular askin questions n so on hes a sound lad so i lent him the ns bible he come round 2 days later to return the book armed with to many questions for me so i fired him work them hard by hardcombe and he loved it that was 5 month ago now hes got his own permission for next year sorted and ive just sorted him a young dog to work on ther
  15. No mate i dont no what that means ,,but just to say it never got you into terriers means nothing realy neither dose who wrote the books but if them books even (if ther lies and full of shit) reach the hands of a few lads who have never owend terriers and it gives them the insparation to go and learn the right way and sets them on ther way surley thats good for the sport ,,,,
  16. Disagree gte with the idle chit chat bit ,,,, some books are a insparation to young folk and get them started with the terriers if evry book gets 5 young lads intrested thats progression ,,, somthing whats needed in terrier work,, as its been said on here loads of times its a dying sport and needs a revamp
  17. No problem ,,Is there any lads on here who are in the book ?
  18. Haha never met the man was onlie askin as you seemed a bit quick to call him a cnut
  19. Corkyjon did he ask you to go in the ireland book
  20. Nowt wrong with asking why dont you pm the lads who have pics up of them on the thread below mate
  21. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/environment/wildlife/article3738340.ece
  22. Good to see the men were cleard of any wrong doing and got ther dogs back and shows the rspca for what they are and ther underhanded tactics. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/9987817/RSPCA-drop-latest-case-against-a-hunt-this-time-involving-79-year-old.html
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