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Everything posted by thenetter

  1. Hi and welcome from prestatyn.
  2. Hi and welcome,and I second what R.A.W. say's. good luck.
  3. Exactly.. If it was the case that paying more money guaranteed a good home for an animal, there'd never be any pedigree dogs mistreated or in animal rescue centres.. I can see your point, but surely by charging a tenner at least will put some of the idiots off buying on a whim.The one's that take them out a couple of times and get fed up ferreting,or the ferreters get bitten a couple of times and end up leaving the poor creature down the hole.
  4. I dont sell ferrets,but anything under ten pounds does'nt give the buyer the determination to look after it . Why should he if he can just buy another one for say a fiver. If he gets fed up with it ,he can just dump it. Charge more and most people will look after them. Sorry for all the genuine ferreters out there, but we all know there's alot of cowboys out there.
  5. i dont no what that means?? did u get that carp on your picture to suck you off beacause you have got a ginger beard?? i anserd your stupid question with a stupid question were even!! There you go...another offensive reply from someone not bright enough to do better...tell you what Lamp it...you're what's happened to this sport!!!!! And hundreds like you...swarms of 'em... +1
  6. how much for the tennis ball ha ha.
  7. hope she gets over the op,fingers crossed for you.
  8. the first pic of the cocker is something special.
  9. Glen walters did a dvd on rabbit snaring,[[very good.]]
  10. Hi and welcome where about in stoke are you.??.
  11. Hi Tom and welcome to THL.
  12. Hi there and welcome from n wales.
  13. as Charlie caller say's why make things difficult lifes to short,unless you've got something to hide.
  14. anybody know dymented's address, cus If I live catch any I'll know where to send them ha ha.
  15. I help out on a small d I y shoot in north wales,I've noticed just lately there's been no squirrels about. Normally at this time of year we can shoot about half a dozen every time we go out. Just wondered if anyone else is the same???.
  16. smashing job that mate,If I could have one fault said about it, seems abit open, and easy to get at, if you know what I mean.
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