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Everything posted by lunita

  1. wonder if i missed anything while i was away ...

    1. judge2010


      we've all just planned an orgy.

    2. lunita


      wow ..i did miss something then ...lol

    3. long dogs

      long dogs

      do you need a camera man lol

  2. bloody comp playin up 2 : (

  3. right im gettin my boots on and out with dogs and child to tire em all to sleep : )

  4. right im gettin my boots on and out with dogs and child to tire em all to sleep : )

  5. Yh i do mainly go out after i done the tea n shes in bed i never jus go n leave her but she still aint happy n thats [bANNED TEXT] she moans about but i say u wont know the differance you are asleep n thats what does my head in so much theres no inbetween lol. N yh i agree its nice for nights you aint lampin but shes still pissed off with me we dnt realli speak so theres no point stayin in to sit there in silence thats jus what i rekon i maybe thinking wrong n tottally in the wrong but im stickin to my guns well dogs lol do ya self a favour mate every now and again pop by the garage on way
  6. You don't need dating sites when you got THL lol always empty when i go in...lol..no nice single lads on my hunt ...hoping mite be fresh blood this season...dating sites r so humiliating :laugh:
  7. plenty of fish...i was on a site like that before ...its bloody mad but fun.....did [NO TEXT TALK] go on muddy matches..meant to be for country ppl...lots of ppl on it but im finding it verryyy boring ....lol....some farmers r too polite ..
  8. bored watchin kids tv : (

  9. well having lived in ireland for 10 yrs ..rte is usually crap
  10. tell her get over it or youl go on that dating site for country people..muddymatches and upgrade her...lol..all jokes aside though did u say u had a kid 2?..sure she get over it she just moaning like some of us women do
  11. Yh i do mainly go out after i done the tea n shes in bed i never jus go n leave her but she still aint happy n thats [bANNED TEXT] she moans about but i say u wont know the differance you are asleep n thats what does my head in so much theres no inbetween lol. N yh i agree its nice for nights you aint lampin but shes still pissed off with me we dnt realli speak so theres no point stayin in to sit there in silence thats jus what i rekon i maybe thinking wrong n tottally in the wrong but im stickin to my guns well dogs lol do ya self a favour mate every now and again pop by the garage on way
  12. beards r lovely on some men...plus itl keep your face warm in winter
  13. Yeah - but we wouldn't get your head in!!! I ain't that big :laugh: and my skull is of average size ur bit mad rnt u...lol... It's been said before now :laugh: well good luck for spain anyway : )... i can understand alot of spanish but dont speak it so well.....so no tips ...lol
  14. computers gone mad ...i dont repeat myself so much in real life ...lol
  15. sounds like u got a good 1 there...happy for u both : ) she is a good 1, she goes out to work i'm the full time dad to a 1 year old and i go out as and when i please with the dog and i never get 1 mutter of do you have to or cant you do it then. fair play..thats great ..my litle 1 is coming up 2......wait till u get the tantrums at 2 ..ul want to do out more trust me ...lol well the little girl is 20 month and the tantrums are there but i put her in the child carrier on me back packed lunch for us both and we go walking with the dog,she loves it god your so lucky mine wont do
  16. sounds like u got a good 1 there...happy for u both : ) she is a good 1, she goes out to work i'm the full time dad to a 1 year old and i go out as and when i please with the dog and i never get 1 mutter of do you have to or cant you do it then. fair play..thats great ..my litle 1 is coming up 2......wait till u get the tantrums at 2 ..ul want to do out more trust me ...lol well the little girl is 20 month and the tantrums are there but i put her in the child carrier on me back packed lunch for us both and we go walking with the dog,she loves it god your so lucky mine wont do
  17. sounds like u got a good 1 there...happy for u both : ) she is a good 1, she goes out to work i'm the full time dad to a 1 year old and i go out as and when i please with the dog and i never get 1 mutter of do you have to or cant you do it then. fair play..thats great ..my litle 1 is coming up 2......wait till u get the tantrums at 2 ..ul want to do out more trust me ...lol well the little girl is 20 month and the tantrums are there but i put her in the child carrier on me back packed lunch for us both and we go walking with the dog,she loves it god your so lucky mine wont do
  18. Yeah - but we wouldn't get your head in!!! I ain't that big :laugh: and my skull is of average size ur bit mad rnt u...lol...
  19. ok so ...every1 that says they would rather go out lamping than stay in with ur girls... does that mean lampings better than sex!! i must try it sometime : ))
  20. sounds like u got a good 1 there...happy for u both : ) she is a good 1, she goes out to work i'm the full time dad to a 1 year old and i go out as and when i please with the dog and i never get 1 mutter of do you have to or cant you do it then. fair play..thats great ..my litle 1 is coming up 2......wait till u get the tantrums at 2 ..ul want to do out more trust me ...lol
  21. Yeah - but we wouldn't get your head in!!! good answer
  22. no coats needed its spain...hot hot hot ..lol so you fit my criteria then sorted not much criteria under 35 and fit.....lol..u not fussy..that why u liked the dogs over the ex believe me that's just for starters there's other things on me list and I actually liked the ex well maybe she'l come back begging like a dog if the new bf not up to scratch ...lol...sounds like u have a long bloody list then..as well as other things ; )...dyu not get the feeling this has kinda gone off subject??!! she's no woman enough This list is finite and mostly relates to th
  23. no coats needed its spain...hot hot hot ..lol so you fit my criteria then sorted not much criteria under 35 and fit.....lol..u not fussy..that why u liked the dogs over the ex believe me that's just for starters there's other things on me list and I actually liked the ex well maybe she'l come back begging like a dog if the new bf not up to scratch ...lol...sounds like u have a long bloody list then..as well as other things ; )...dyu not get the feeling this has kinda gone off subject??!! she's no woman enough This list is finite and mostly relates to th
  24. yeah but lots of things u can do with a girl u dont wanna b dooing with a dog...lol...
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