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Everything posted by lunita

  1. wow been all day in sun at a pub and didnt have 1 drink....:(

    1. lunita


      scandalous isnt it ...i just cant drink in front of my parents no matter how old i get ..lol..total waste :(..plus lots of nice men with no tops on ..

    2. boots


      oh you spotted me then

    3. lunita


      haha depends ud fit in if u full of tattoos and had a staff...lol..what idiot takes their dog to bake in sun on day like this ...they werent half panting poor things

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  2. morning run done with the dogs...shower and chsnge and going to watch some live music in the sun at local pub :)

  3. sun burn...ouch :(

    1. boots


      weres you at

    2. lunita


      yorkshire u have to get sun while u can here..lol

    3. boots


      you got it today didnt you im from wales

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  4. Madness isnt it! yeah the vet said its going to plan, just get some weight back on him, aloud for 20miute strolls on the leed now, just looking up! ahh if vet says its lookin good ul be fine...seen some stuff myself in horses and dogs when i used to work voluntary in vets in uni holidays and bit of tlc works wonders ...keep us posted great to see the pics
  5. looks like is doing well..and especilly if u say the drainage point is healing its all looking good amazing how well they can heal ..
  6. buying all my winter gear online so im ready...lol...ebays so addictive :(

    1. mick20


      and that's the important thing, who needs money lol


    2. lunita


      thats beauty of ebay..bargins galore !!

    3. mick20


      yeah you're right, spent a fortune there myself in the past but need to save before venturing there again

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  7. why do you always regret cutting your hair off AFTERyou cut it :(((

    1. Lab


      Just whacked all mine off too......f**k it is summer!!!

    2. lunita


      yeah ..il grow it back for winter or il be cold out hunting..lol..

    3. lunita


      bet you still look good anyway hannah..wont take long to grow 4 inches back :)

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  8. how can anyone be so stupid!!!!!
  9. think depends on the dog too....all working dogs need good excercise, my parents have had pointers since i can remeber they are english pointers though not german. Anyway they have all been diff ..they all lived in the house but some needed more excercise than others..especially when young. They have four right now and the keenest one out of them all when shes out is the laziest dog ive ever seen in the house!! you will just have to see the dogs personality too.
  10. lunita


    bet that be like sweets ..crunchy with soft goooey middle... :sick: for all we know it might be cooked and taste like lobster or crayfish? i wont know until i try it though seen them on tv like stirfried or on a bbq...id try them ..rather them than something squishy ul have to let u know when u get to try it ..
  11. lunita


    bet that be like sweets ..crunchy with soft goooey middle... :sick:
  12. its so warm mite have to get paddling pool out for dogs and child :)

  13. lunita


    why dont you try doncaster wildlife park.. :laugh:
  14. nice day in sun watchin folk bands :))

  15. well i dont think its bad tattoo whether looks like the dog is hard to tell in picture but animals and portraits are so hard to get right and if thats his second one then its def good for a second one...and the guy likes it ...i think thats whats putting me off getting my hunting tattoo i want it to look realistic so u have to take your time getting a good artist...how long did it take to do it? was it more than 1 sitting?
  16. awww you have a lovely family the two legged ones and four....your doing a great job...kids are the future for country life
  17. lunita


    Dunstable downs....f*****g nuisance, if you go at certain times of the day there are more wallabys than rabbits visible and there are loads of rabbits there! hmm, I wonder what they taste like bet the australians eat them..worth a try ...imagine how long a leg would last They aren't that big but they are lovely eating! i wouldnt mind to try it bet be nice...went past ostrich burger shop in notts other week and that smelt sooo good too
  18. watchin camelot on tv ..got some right raunchy bits in ..dont think i should watch it .. :0

    1. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      game of thrones is better! lol

    2. lunita


      oh yeah heard thats good...i miss the tudors :(

  19. yep know what you mean ..they were all for a reason...just saying i think it looks nice too whereas alot see it as oldfashioned..anythings beeter than tracksuits tucked into socks and kappa...lol
  20. lunita


    Dunstable downs....f*****g nuisance, if you go at certain times of the day there are more wallabys than rabbits visible and there are loads of rabbits there! hmm, I wonder what they taste like bet the australians eat them..worth a try ...imagine how long a leg would last
  21. lunita

    Oh yes!!

    lol if they so guapa why you sat on the laptop....get flirting The chances of an English migdet pulling one of those beautiful women is slim to none ......just stay on the laptop mush and dont make a dick of yourself...... i lived with loads of spanish girls and been tons of spanish parties in ireland and they are all mad for english/irish guys...love the sense of humour and pale eyes!!!! hard to beleive but true Think you missed out the most import folk there Lunita......the Scots!!! A kilt and a tin of beer and there melting at your feet... well they do like red heads
  22. lunita

    Oh yes!!

    lol if they so guapa why you sat on the laptop....get flirting The chances of an English migdet pulling one of those beautiful women is slim to none ......just stay on the laptop mush and dont make a dick of yourself...... i lived with loads of spanish girls and been tons of spanish parties in ireland and they are all mad for english/irish guys...love the sense of humour and pale eyes!!!! hard to beleive but true Think you missed out the most import folk there Lunita......the Scots!!! A kilt and a tin of beer and there melting at your feet... well they do like red heads
  23. lunita

    Oh yes!!

    lol if they so guapa why you sat on the laptop....get flirting The chances of an English migdet pulling one of those beautiful women is slim to none ......just stay on the laptop mush and dont make a dick of yourself...... i lived with loads of spanish girls and been tons of spanish parties in ireland and they are all mad for english/irish guys...love the sense of humour and pale eyes!!!! hard to beleive but true
  24. lunita

    Oh yes!!

    lol if they so guapa why you sat on the laptop....get flirting
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