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Everything posted by lunita

  1. yeah great pack so they deserve to make some money ..hope rain isnt puttin too many people off its pelting it down.I cant go with my little one she full of cold but hope to make wortley show tomorrow. . I was thinking last nite if i won the £160 million like that couple on lottery id give loads away to my local packs ..imagine saying that at a press conference .. .
  2. lunita

    on tv now

    my spelling and grammer has got terrible and keep getting warniings for text talk on here and its all from using my phone and emailing..drives me potty as i forget to write things properly..and i did really well in school and got my bsc degree ..lol. Was so proud of my little one the other day shes not 2 yet and counts to ten . I have to admit i dont know how i'l be able to afford to send her to university if they keep putting these fees on learning though .
  3. you could always add some more oil to her diet if you think she has dry skin..but if shes malting probably stop being flaky after.
  4. right fried egg sarnie it is : ))

    1. arnieboy


      cheese n egg? with ketchup?

    2. lunita


      yep ..i like it ..lol

    3. arnieboy


      al take you to vals and buy you one mrs

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  5. sounds like a hacker on the loose ..
  6. whens the wake when we drink and celebrate ..
  7. thats great beats my plastic one!!...when they teenagers then u can send them out to it or reclaim it as your man shed ..
  8. gunna have to buy some shake n vac ..keep getting bad dog smell from carpet ..:(

    1. lunita


      think il have to..love the dogs but carpet stinks and i clean it everyday..:(

    2. artic


      I don't have that problem got wood floor, but that smell of dog and carpet is enough to make me reach! Good luck

    3. lunita


      yeah have wwod floors in my house in ireland but now im renting have flippin carpet ...doesnt mix with 2 dogs and a 2 year old ..lol

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  9. That story made me smile ..who the hell did she think she was telling you to switch it off.. glad you kept watching..
  10. breedings definatly risky..we had one had to have cesarean too..nearly lost bitch in labour but they all survived...even had one that stopped giving birth half way through labour so we thought she had finished next day she started again! we rushed her to vets in back of car which she gave birth to a dead green puppy on my lap!! she had 2 dead ones and another live 1. vet said she must have got carried away with pups she had and stopped labour!!! crazy...just shows u never know.
  11. right im getting off my arse and going to walk to moors with dogs ..im bored sitting in..take my new camera try it out on dogs :)

  12. yeah me too...was pleasantly suprised...all mysterys gone now though ...lol
  13. kids gone for day...all cleaning done...bliss :))

    1. Ideation


      Alright, pleasant stroll with the mutts followed by a nice cuppa and a biccy?

    2. Malt


      Those were the days Jai!

    3. lunita


      cant beat tea and biscuits ..lol

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  14. dyu think lab will put one up now?? Keep to the weddings theme...might be in this lot...... you got to be the ugly mong on the far right i say him as looking at the way hes holding the glass of bubbly with his little finger stuck out whilst wearing a blue skirt. ..........wont catch me with any blue shit on mate................ mm i woulda guessed that 1 too earth just cos u said u were 6'1 on the other thread lab..so if u really are 6'1 and your not him ..how big is he??!!...lol...he'd be like my brother whos 6'7...lol...u have to tell us which one ..
  15. good idea ..bed for me too i think..

  16. lunita

    FAO Lab.

    make love to me ..make love!!! what are you a girl?? ok then bitch you wanna play.........................
  17. oi dont spoil my page with your dirty thoughts!!!!..lol

  18. lunita

    FAO Lab.

    make love to me ..make love!!! what are you a girl??
  19. lunita

    FAO Lab.

    this thread could get fun...lol..
  20. excuses, excuses..lol
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