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Everything posted by lunita

  1. i like the chat crew ..they seem ok...cheekys lovely..
  2. Thanks for sharing from your private collection, I would have never thought you had curly hair. strong stuff could you please refrain from posting such elisit items on my topics please only on here few months still tryin to work out whose clinicly insane and whose not ..gay squad always make me laugh the gay is back,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if only you was a man :kiss: i knew i shouldnt have had that sex change ..
  3. Thanks for sharing from your private collection, I would have never thought you had curly hair. strong stuff could you please refrain from posting such elisit items on my topics please only on here few months still tryin to work out whose clinicly insane and whose not ..gay squad always make me laugh
  4. haha think my heads on my neck not in my arse...
  5. just had fish chips and mushy peas well..yummy

    1. hedz31


      thats why ye fat

    2. boots


      salt x vinegar

    3. lunita


      yep puts the junk in my trunk hedz..and of course salt and vinegar boots! :)

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  6. programes can watch over and over have to be royale family..just love it ..family guy ..only fools and horses...father ted has me in tears so funny...and just to be annoying and girly did love sex and city series not the movies ..
  7. bored think mite go hit the shops : )

    1. Milwr


      Mind u dont hurt ur hand

  8. i got a furminator the other year as my hound cross malts all the time!!..they are great gets all the dead hair out id def recomend them if can get a cheap one
  9. Funny how you can get things wrong over the internet eh............ think about it if she was a breed of dog..she prob be a fat lab...suit u fine !!
  10. gay would be a better bet if he got her sweating would soon fall off ..excercise is the key
  11. anyway michelle mcmanus does have a pretty face..i think labs just being picky..
  12. I bet she is............unfortunately you wouldn't be cause you'd be on the f*****g floor most of the night........ are you saying lunita is ugly????hence being on the floor to make room for the dog to get it :whistling: you bad man lab I think you've overstepped the mark there Teddd....shame on you!!!... Just clear up that i definately would Lunita..... and shes got a wean so she knows what its for!! oh no didnt you know im gay..my daughters born from artificial insemination.. good news! i "think" i could be a lesbian too! ive watched them lesbian porn
  13. think i need rehab cant stop buying shoes on ebay :(

    1. arnieboy


      yep i love 2 see women in heels


    2. lunita


      i just look at my heels and wear my boots and wellies :)

    3. arnieboy


      thats ok wi me

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  14. I bet she is............unfortunately you wouldn't be cause you'd be on the f*****g floor most of the night........ are you saying lunita is ugly????hence being on the floor to make room for the dog to get it :whistling: you bad man lab I think you've overstepped the mark there Teddd....shame on you!!!... Just clear up that i definately would Lunita..... and shes got a wean so she knows what its for!! oh no didnt you know im gay..my daughters born from artificial insemination..
  15. I bet she is............unfortunately you wouldn't be cause you'd be on the f*****g floor most of the night........ are you saying lunita is ugly????hence being on the floor to make room for the dog to get it :whistling: you bad man lab how do u always manage to twist things so well... pm yer number and ill tell you all about it :angel: :angel: :laugh: gunna be too busy..i did as you recomended and got a job helping the blind..they accept me for who i am
  16. I bet she is............unfortunately you wouldn't be cause you'd be on the f*****g floor most of the night........ are you saying lunita is ugly????hence being on the floor to make room for the dog to get it :whistling: you bad man lab how do u always manage to twist things so well...
  17. bet shes nice and cuddly in bed in winter..
  18. omg dog stinks..went for walk and came across a bunny and he saw itand ran into a pool of stagnent mud neck high :(..had to get in river with him to try get it off!..

    1. arnieboy


      am thinking your a bit kinkyferrets then bathing in rivers mmmmmmmmmmmm

    2. lunita


      if u find being in a river stinking of crap with a dog kinky...theres something wrong there ..lol

    3. arnieboy
  19. was driving round a roundabout during rush hour just outside of galway city last summer and there was a fine looking piebald horse grazing on the roundabout, fecking thing took a notion to jump over the bonnet of our van and galloped full pelt down the road. must have escaped from somewhere but if it had caused a crash whats the betting the owner would be nowhere to be found Bloody hell, I bet that shit you up a bit didn't it!!! ive seen what can happen when vehicles and livestock collide, i wasnt happy about it anyway accident.bmp people shouldnt be allowed to have horses
  20. i dont mind travellers but when i lived in ireland they drove me mad..sooo many! and u cant walk your dog if its a lurcher without being asked bout its breeding and does it have geryhound in it!...i swear the same people used to ask me everyday i walked past their house...had so many runins with them ...god job im girl and they just laughed at me ...reason i had my dogs in house you couldnt have a dog i limerick that travellers liked without it getting robbed ..loads were in my estate..but i knew plenty of people that were fine too..
  21. was driving round a roundabout during rush hour just outside of galway city last summer and there was a fine looking piebald horse grazing on the roundabout, fecking thing took a notion to jump over the bonnet of our van and galloped full pelt down the road. must have escaped from somewhere but if it had caused a crash whats the betting the owner would be nowhere to be found travllers leave their horses anywhere one thing i found so strange when i first moved to ireland...i walked to work many times in morning and got outside my house to see group of horses walking up road past my house,
  22. right im off to do some screwing! my flat pack hutch has arrived..this should be fun :(

    1. lunita


      pmsl...lol..ok u have ,my devil child for a day and see ..lol ;)

    2. Lab


      oh dear, screws left over and wrong screws put in. Hutch life expectancy....a week!!!!........;-)

    3. lunita


      actually its a really strong solid hutch ...not like the crappy ones from pet shop..its gunna last ages best hutch ive had :)...i think i'l p[ut on an extension ..lol

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  23. stinks of ferret..highly attractive..lol

    1. arnieboy


      better than dead squirrel

    2. lunita
    3. willbur
  24. they are gorgeous ...i have real soft spot for hounds ...just love them
  25. What if we say if he comes back this week you and judge will have one of them special naked partys for him. that you have lab That should do it Was it this post tb that swayed it "FACT"......... Where's judge to make the final arrangements for his special naked party it will be like one of them that Michael Barrymore use to have but with a paddling pool Another one thats not been on as much.......I've heard his pride is hurt........ ooooo really ..tell us what you heard ...lol
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