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Everything posted by lunita

  1. lunita


    thats terrible! lets lighten the mood..christian hug ? :friends:
  2. why leave her in heat for over 4 months!
  3. hope your alright now .. Yeah I'm alright (ish) lol only recently taken the steps to deal with my past, its made me a strong person, i have my daughter, a nice little home, my mutts and my parents support, i'm a survivor and one day i hope to be able to truely leave it all behind, im at him really because he didnt break me as a person and has made me the person i am today (although some parts of who i am because of him i wish i wasnt, if that makes sense) we all have battles in life, i cant change it so i just got to get on with it ! ahh good ..i can relate to you been through
  4. hope your alright now ..
  5. off to walk dogs and child :))

  6. lunita


    yeah as much as i hate drugs etc i feel sorry for people with true addictions and its families that pay..whatever she was now ..she was at one time someones little baby when u cant take your eyes off them and little girl bossing you about and playin on beach..you do so much for your kids ..nappies ..sleep loss..worry the amount of happiness they give you..to go through all that and loose them so young cant imagine how'd id feel if was my little one..
  7. yeah he is pal, any chance of getting my warning status down? It's bugging me lol Snap me too flipping text talk gets me every time
  8. i never said id seen ye naked, but im betting ye look better in the scud send me 2 pics, 1 wae clothes, an 1 withoot, an if im wrong, yell get a public apology Don't fall for this crap like i did only for him to say i looked better with clothes haha its ok i know thats the answer anyway...
  9. wow ideation you nearly sounding all romantic and soopy there ..good for you though
  10. dotty you sound like tb with your porkies.. :piggy: ..told you keep that stuff for pm's.. ..lol
  11. yep ..good few times got asked if was old enough to buy drink in tesco apparently now you dont have to look over 18 to buy drink you have to look 25 and overn and when im dressed up in my pony riding clothes ..that can be debatable ..lol
  12. fancy askin a lady that on an open forum ...lol..naa im not that old but not that young either..last time i checked was 32
  13. i went school with someone who plays with the blades....everyone treats him like hes a god round here ..to me hes annoying boy who took my ball and threw it on roof at school i feel like people should treat me like a god. If i'd have played for the blades i wouldn't have met some of my good mates watching wednesday through the years. i remeber going to hillsborough with school when they were still a good team so im showing my age there ..lol..i saw chris waddle.. Chris Waddle = legend! last time wednesday were any good were 1993 lol yep im old!!...i was at s
  14. i went school with someone who plays with the blades....everyone treats him like hes a god round here ..to me hes annoying boy who took my ball and threw it on roof at school i feel like people should treat me like a god. If i'd have played for the blades i wouldn't have met some of my good mates watching wednesday through the years. i remeber going to hillsborough with school when they were still a good team so im showing my age there ..lol..i saw chris waddle..
  15. i went school with someone who plays with the blades....everyone treats him like hes a god round here ..to me hes annoying boy who took my ball and threw it on roof at school
  16. lunita


    i think labs watching too much daytime tv .. ..he's right though tb ..just get back to your old self it was more fun..
  17. bored..cant decide what to do for day . : /

    1. Lab


      And you talk about me...lol

    2. lunita


      lol..i cant help my humour ..lol...its like u cant have a laugh on here or your trying to 'internet date' ..i'l say what i like ;)

    3. judge2010


      I'm into owt me lunita lol apart from men sorry lab.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  18. lunita


    she has an addictive personality and was always insecure about her looks that she was some britney spears hence she always drank and had eating disorders ..but i read an interveiw with her ex husband once and he openly said all she did was smoke weed till she met him ..he got her into hard drugs then with her personality and endless supply of cash she ended up worse than him..sometimes lots of money when your young isnt best idea..i always think too juch money for anyone can be a curse sometimes ..so if i win lotto big time i'l give alot away so if i do pm me yer details ..lol
  19. oh ..i loved my university days ...best days of my life in agricultural college.. single away from home and a cracking group of mates couldnt have asked for more
  20. ahhh hes great boots..really playing with me tonight seems well settled ..licking me and everything even playing with my little one :)

  21. thats funny! ,,my parents did something like that they got invited to a wedding turned up all dressed up ..sat down thought they didnt recognise anyone ...turned out was a day early they went wrong wedding ..didnt even know the people...
  22. lunita


    used to get this argument come up alot in limerick where i lived ...always ganga wars and shootings ..an innocent guy got killed mistaken identity. All uproar and middle class people going mad...fact is though its the social drug takers and people that say they dont have a problem and its harmless fun at weekends thats giving money to the dealers and the gangs ...if they choose to take drugs its their problem but cant moan bout the gangs then if your giveing them the money and power.. amy winehouse did go cold turkey she went carribean and was meant to be free she put on weight the lot but so
  23. just type in foxhunting song on you tube...i found it once when was looking for old hunting songs and john peel song :)

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