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Everything posted by lunita

  1. great pics kay!..i got some of the babies in our stable but dont think they came out well... ..patrick yours came out well for a snapshot
  2. They definitely ain't stupid, they are underestimated as pets aswell. I've always had them even when I didn't go ferreting, proper entertaining little things. yeah id rather have a pet ferret than a cat or hamster anyday least they have personality..although did have a hamster like a dog too used to follow me even out of its cage..and rabbits i used to have were dead nasty .. hamsters have to be the most pointless creature on the planet! I don't know about that, my snakes seemed to like the way they tickled going down their throats. oh yeah i only got one as ex hated an
  3. i now know why you keep putting sarcastic comments on my topics its becase you are from liverpool and its because of what me dad said about liverpool dogs
  4. They definitely ain't stupid, they are underestimated as pets aswell. I've always had them even when I didn't go ferreting, proper entertaining little things. yeah id rather have a pet ferret than a cat or hamster anyday least they have personality..although did have a hamster like a dog too used to follow me even out of its cage..and rabbits i used to have were dead nasty ..
  5. got music channel on ..how crap is some of the music at the moment !!

    1. THLpatrick


      ugh, swagger jagger, ather grab a skinning knife and stab er

    2. THLpatrick


      not litrelly, im no murderer

    3. lunita


      yep that the one ..then had 3 songs all sonded same..[bANNED TEXT] im def off out with dogs now cant take that torture any longer ..lol

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  6. think my new hob kitts going to be friendly too he wants to be near me all time and likes sitting round my neck...likes smelling my hair bless him..its good cos means he'l be good for my little girl
  7. haha i dont run on the road im lucky have trans pennine trail right on my doorstep so get the dogs kid in buggy and run on that usually empty sometimes i leave radio on for dogs ...have even left tv on so they not lonley..
  8. fcukme heard it all now ryham when running how long your dad been in their game for iam going to be doing sports science next year and the lecturer recons its a new thing runing and playing sports to music helps you perform better, me dad recons if you run to music theres a chance you wont here the 125 bus comin and you might get hit by it? yeah windy i run to music it does help ..the tempo makes you go faster or slower helps u pace...but not dogs
  9. or rechargeable batteries!! save some money there!!
  10. I've always found cats are pretty crap at getting rid of rats, they'll catch mice and birds but I think rats are a bit too much for most cats to deal with, they don't like getting bitten. no we,ve had a couple of really good cats we used to keep them at farm where we kept horses...one was brilliant if rat was about we,d put him in stable and before long be dead rat he got loads..we had one that even brought a rabbit !!...all rest were pretty crap though..they can be lazy and overfed by people in their gardens feral cats are the best ..keep them bit wild ..
  11. i do enjoy your threads windy..anymore stories or tips from your dad ,you could put them in book they very funny ..and i dont mean in a nasty way they just make me chuckle..
  12. my parents always leave radio on for their dogs ..as theres 6 in the house it stops them barking at any noises..even had a horse that had to have radio on or else it would try breakout of stable..so def works for company..but rythm sounds bit mad to me....left radion on for my dogs once came home to one brocken half chewed radio..they didnt like my choice of station..
  13. allotment cat must have been crap anyway if they had to ask you to get rid of rats...you did them a favour getting rid really ..
  14. so bored think i'l resort to cleaning ..then off out with dogs ;)

    1. rocky1


      you back on the chat tonite

    2. lunita


      yeah im allowed back on now..its my third time kicked off i dont realise im doing it..

  15. my jill ferret used to do that..she was only ever a pet and i used to take her everywhere with me she'd sleep in my coat and pop up when she was awake...like that she would follow me like a dog and came to her name. Had a cat the same once too just used to act likea dog would walk with you like a dog and it wasnt even a house cat ..
  16. used to live up that neck of the woods,plenty of 9 inch pipes for em to choose from yep ...lol..nice place to live isnt it
  17. right cant go on chat so off to bed i think :)

    1. rocky1


      what happened their lun ,is about the txt crack


    2. lunita


      yeah fairs fair ..but i did do well didnt i to last so long no text talk..lol..il conquer it one day :)

    3. Lab


      TG laying the law down again......lol

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  18. i live near a naylor pipe works they have em all stacked up in yard ..they always used to run for theere tooif hounds started to press them hard..
  19. just missed out on 2 hunting badges on e-bay as comp decided to freeze last minute..well mad :(

    1. arnieboy


      ive got a load of badges if you wana buy some

    2. lunita


      put them on ebay u'l get loads for them ! some go for 10 a badge i seen one for 20! i just go fopr 99p ones ..lol

    3. arnieboy


      i only use them for swaps but ihave 3 or 4 of the same ones

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  20. seen plenty run to hay bales on hunting days..
  21. time for my herbal tea before wash pots ..

    1. long dogs

      long dogs

      herbal fag is better

    2. lunita


      dont smoke..;)...mite make the pots more interesting though :(

    3. long dogs

      long dogs

      put in a cake yeh true pal lol

  22. right have to brave tesco with a two year old...put it offlong enough we need food ..lol

    1. mick20
    2. lunita


      awell is all done now...dancing round kitchen making dinner to paul weller ..lol

    3. scothunter


      dont park in the disabled bays.

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  23. lunita

    ebay item

    loved that..lol
  24. have to stop these late nights on here running late :(..off for my run with dogs ..

  25. bed time ..so much for my early nite ..lol

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