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Everything posted by lunita

  1. well i realised last few days...i have no life !!..missed thl ...its quite worrying really
  2. wrecked from being in sun all day at show :)

    1. Mustard.


      primark shorts,wash them once,then you have a tong...

    2. Mustard.


      primark shorts,wash them once,then you have a tong...

    3. lunita


      no wonder mine keep getting smaller then ;)

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  3. love this had it on my profile music for ages ....
  4. lunita

    new look

    we'l get used to it..i missed thl last few days so anything will do ...lol..
  5. off to woolley show today...wrecked from dancing last nite in pub to acdc and many others ..lol

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zaA9APEatw mite help
  7. wow cant believe it kids in bed :)

    1. rocky1


      well swap her with tracey g ,she did offer haha

    2. fcuktheban


      Plenty of cough medicine puts them right to sleep ;)


    3. lunita


      too late she woke up..no fun tonight ..lol

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  8. do you get the feeling your being watched ..
  9. watchin this is better than kids tv thats on ...
  10. thats so sickning that someone could do that...turns my stomach
  11. thankyou we tend to keep her and her mother coupled while exercising but she drags her with her (although she does'nt need too much encouragment to go) ha ha i have a young tri colour and he is very obedient and starting to work well to a whistle and i don't want her to ruin him the older hounds ignore her but he might get peer pressure of her.atb yep same thing happened my parents they have one wild pointer which now all the other three follow and getting her bad habbits chasing birds and rabbits ...funny though we had 3 retired hounds from hunt and they were no bother it was like they
  12. oh no i miss ireland like mad... ..but where i lived was alot of problems with dog theft and that from gypsys..i even had one of the limerick drug gangs at bottom of my street ..lol....but no id never give ireland a bad name ..love it ..my daughters classe as irish ..lol
  13. good post people should be more carefull...they use mobile to track people when they go missing or murdered they find the signal and where was used..i think anyone putting up pictures on here other than rabbits should be carefull even if you put pre-ban its still drawing attention to yourself and you dont know whos watching
  14. shes lovely...love beagles ...when we puppy walked two for hunt had to keep them coupled just to control them they were so good they won puppy show ..hope u find her a good home and she can keep doing what she obviously loves..
  15. our horse killed a mates terrier once we have 6 dogs so horse was used to them but the dog just went too close and she just hit out with her leg..thats what horses do they dont always mean to kill..they do it even when flys are bothering them...my mum bent down once in stable and had glasses kicked off her face!..sorry bout your dog though ..as for the gypsys i wouldnt bother with them some are ok but if they werent decent enough to apologise i wouldnt bother. when i lived in ireland they were all over had one lad try to run my dogs down with his horse and me pregnant waddling after them ..i
  16. oh my god hope you get better soon..like others have said thank god you didnt get your eye damaged...make sure when your scars healed you rub something like bio oil in ..will help it heal better and fade the wound...psychologicly i hope the counselling helps you.. i always say you can never trust any dog even ones thats never been aggressive it only takes something to annoy them
  17. happy birthday ..hope you have a good one..
  18. wow its definatly grown..lol..have to agree with lurchergrrl little boys super cute ...
  19. in news says its going to be 21 degrees saturday..be great if its nice
  20. you didnt miss anything good unless u like looking at tortoises and stuffed birds of prey ..
  21. it all depends on policeman u get ..ones round here seem ok they come out with hunt when have antis ...even when somethings that shouldnt happen do ..
  22. he a little story for ya lunita ,a terriers was found wondering around the streets of my estate anyway police end up with it it smashed 2 bits of hard diggin anyway the dog belong 2 lad i know and it escaped form he kennels ,anyway the dog was chipped 2 him anyway he came up with some cock and bull story saying he sold the dog months ago 2 local lads from a few mile away so he ended up in court £5000 fine plus lifetime animal ban ,so he appealed it got off with it ban drop no fine and end up sueing them for loss of earnings and got a pay out just shows though ..some people might not hav
  23. icant stop laughing when i read this thread its cracking me up..
  24. yeah the cameras only for filming really, better camera wud of done the job! i think with swallows u have to be patient they are so fast ..i got myself a dslr and i still havnt got a good pic of them yet..but then my kid doesnt let me stand still for 2 seconds to try..
  25. does anyone actually ever get the 5,000 fine!! didnt realise was so much
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