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Fert gal

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About Fert gal

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  1. It's probably because I'm a soft girl but I consider my ferrets as pets but they all work! 11 buns on Saturday! I can't imagine my ferrets not working, they love it but they get well looked after as well. Couldnt keep a ferret in one of those indoor cages like a hamster they are too clever and need a run out.... But as I say I'm just a soft girl!!!
  2. Really sorry to hear that, guess it's best for your ferret but it feels like shit. Chin up!
  3. Thanks, don't suppose you know his name?
  4. Hi, I am new to Ferrating and got basic nets etc but they are pretty crap to be honest (4oz nylon) can anyone recommend a good supplier of hemp nets, used some a friend had and think they are brill!
  5. Hey, new to ferreting myself, very good idea to tag along with someone, i,ve got a hobb and 2 jills, went out with an experienced ferreter a couple of times and last weekend went it alone for the first time (with husband) and got 3 buns from 1 bury, excellent day and all ferrets worked well for newbies (or seemed to anyway!). It's very easy to get bitten by the bug but a brill way to spend time outside! Have fun, I am!
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