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Everything posted by jossa

  1. Border bitch is coming right. Get a few honest digs under her belt this season.
  2. Lives not far from me graham. Heard some right tales of "the old brigade" as they were called. Cracking stamp of lakey Mr ward kept. Heard they were very handy tools
  3. The dog will tell you when it's ready that my opinion
  4. A handy cross. Seen a 3/4 grey 1/4 pointer work. Very game dog, was very steady too.
  5. One of mine. He's Ray walker and levi oaks stuff. 100% graft but very hard. I have a bitch similar bred.
  6. A border is a honest terrier if you get the right stuff. Some of the breed should be dismissed but a small part of the working stuff is still there.
  7. Yes all related. I had anot her bitch she broke her neck at 5 yr old. I find the dogs take longer to mature. The line goes back yrshift that I have. Probs 30 yrs breeding.
  8. The deerhound greyhound collie greyhound I have at the minute never failed me. 27"tts.
  9. Deerhound greyhound collie greyhound. Will always have 1 of these dogs in my kennels. He's not longer with us was a cracking all round dog.
  10. Hello Jossa, did you know (Billy Purvis) who had some good Borders? We knew and met him in the South Durham country approx 25 years ago. He was a great man but has passed by for many years now.Then there was Ray Walker also gone unfortunately, but he had some good Borders.I have seen some very good ones over the years and there has been some very hard dogs also, but came in use in various places after a stubborn fox.My brother went out with Jack Price many, many years ago but that is another story. November I never met him, I'm only 27 myself. I wouldn't keep anything else apart from borders
  11. The dog I lost start of the season he was laid back. But my old dog and this young bitch are live wires
  12. She's about 15 month. Shes done a little bit. She's a fruit cake
  13. Last litter I bred in gifted all the pups apart from 1. Sold that for £200 which covered cost of rearing them etc.
  14. The blue and tan dog above is a fix killing dog. If you don't get to him quick the fox will be dead. But he's the same on other quarry but obviously can't kill them so as you can imagine the state of him afterwards
  15. The good stuff is still there. Just got to get to know the right fellas.
  16. Co.Durham my borders are levi oakes/Ray walker stuff
  17. Thats my bull wheaton greyhound. Its an old photo dam was a half x bull grey sire was a half x wheaton grey. His temperament is ideal no problem with other dogs etc. But the drive in him is 2nd to none, only thing I would of preferred is a good thick jacket on him.
  18. I know men who have them men who are late 50's etc. They have the proper stuff bred worker to worker over the years and keep it close amongst friends. I have been lucky enough to get in the circle and have 3 working borders myself now.
  19. The best earth dog I have ever had isome a border dog. Genuine levi stuff, in all honesty the dog is to hard for his own good. He's 5 now and has earned his stripes he's a fox killing dog. People slate borders but if you get the right stuff you won't get a better dog than a border.
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