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Everything posted by jossa

  1. I bought a bitch off a man commenting on this post, she was a young bitch maybe 6 month old had been reared well and was in good order. She never made it as a earth dog, her breeding was right bred from some very good workers but if wasn't to be for her. I didn't feel like the £200 I paid for her was waisted. It's a chance you take
  2. I have bought borders, I paid £300 for my old dog Judd who is 100% which isn't a lot of money really. Anyone who has a genuine interest in keeping the working borders going won't charge you the earth for a pup.
  3. Try and get a gwp x lab, very versatile dogs. It would be more suited to the job you want it for i would think.
  4. I know your saying you want a patterdale, but i would ne looking more towards a bedlington x. Maybe a beddy whippet they will do everything you need and are pretty laid back compared to the average terrier.
  5. I think I spoke to you on the phone a while back.
  6. Why wouldn't you? Any borders I bred are registered but it doesn't reflect on the price as I gift most of them away.
  7. I have judd with me, but judas im not sure of? Cant say i have heard of the dog either. Yeah my pal bought judd and a bitch off bern.
  8. No idea, i have his number but never spoke to him for a while
  9. Ray walker is no longer with us, but another fella called ray from devon has his breeding. He had my old dogs sire a dog called monty.
  10. No I can't class it as my own, they are walker/Oakes bred stuff. My old dogs prefix is dillons rest (judd)
  11. He's a very good dog mate, hard but has a cracking nose. U have a young got here out of him see what he goes like. That 1 coupled to my lakey was steady enough too. We lost him 2 seasons back
  12. Got a couple of borders on myself. Got an old dog, hes as hard as they come hes a fox killing dog got to be careful where you enter him. Pretty much retired at 6 yrs old.
  13. I try to, between myself and the lad i got my stuff of we keep enough going between us, theres a few lads up the road got the same breeding.
  14. Yeah they do the job, no world beaters but are dug to regular
  15. My lakeys go back to ward stuff way back, he lives about 10 mins up the road from me into his photography now.
  16. He has let it work like I said he's done bits with her.
  17. its a ex track greyhound, but its done bits since he's had it. For a greyhound its quite steady tbh, any i have had you couldnt let them off the leader but this is quite obedient.
  18. The beddy dog is round about 16" and the greyhound is just shy of 26".
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