Half x lab greyhound, then if the speed wasnt quite there put it back to a greyhound again. I think people would use them. Same as the pointer x greyhound.
wrong time of year to be trying a young dog when there is cubs about, i would leave her till the back end mate. This time of year can make an experienced dog look rubbish.
half your battle will be getting one from proven grafters, i know you can still produce shite from 2 good dogs. I know a man expecting a litter of border x lakeys both parents are solid earth dogs.
Some boys i know are expecting a litter of border lakeys, the border dog is a hard mute dog and the bitch is can hold her own with plenty heart. Im going to have a pup i think, hopefully they make handy things.
That's it bobajob. I know a few lads who have kept the same stuff for 25+ years, that's where my lakeys come from. Same as working borders they are still out there.
No none come off ray, they reckon he used to keep tidy lakeys that grafted. Av spoke to him a few times regarding borders. Yeah the red dog is a nice dog cracking fox dog, he doesn't look like that now.