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Everything posted by jossa

  1. All the gear is loaded, dogs are fit and ready! Off to scotland to move some earth!! Who else is out this weekend??
  2. I dont know. Rab clark is the head keeper. They have had a couple of -100 brace days. (Good for them)
  3. Been on east allenheads and Muggleswick this season. Plenty grouse about and some good bags! Buccleuch have had 2 steady days aswel!!
  4. I never normally post pics of my dogs, but I knw what he is capable of. Tbh he is to full on and is pretty much retired at the age of 5. The litter from him are looking to go the same way too! Atb lads!!
  5. After been laid up for a few weeks after a 6 hours in a storm drain. Worked his quarry from 1 end to the other 86 meters!!
  6. I have a big pointer dog that I use for the grouse but also take digging he is excellent for marking but also a very hard dog he draws and kills quarry no problem. He stands 26"tts and a very powerful dog.
  7. This is my pointer, I cant fault him he has done 3 solid seasons on the grouse and I also take him digging with me, he isnt frightened to get mucked in at the hole. His nose is second to none. He stands 26"tts and has the heart of a lion. Excellent dogs in my opinion. He has just lined his 1st bitch I will be keeping a pup back for definate.
  8. Pontop pike. In between consett and stanley
  9. Hopefully the ULLC BULL X FINAL will get the the good weather tomorrow, always a cracking show with some well worked dogs in the bull x final.
  10. I bred a litter of KC borders last yr, both parents work hard a bitch from xxPinkxx lines to my dog. I gave all the pups away apart from 1 which I sold as a pet for £150 which covered the cost of looking after the pups. Alot of the honest lads do the same its not about money its about keeping the working border going in my eyes anyway
  11. Not familiar with those lines. Did you get it from up this way (north east)
  12. Whats peoples thought on the dogs dave breeds?
  13. His mother was a pure pit father was a wheaton grey
  14. He is about 18 month. Stands at 25"tts heavy dog but can also run!
  15. My bull wheaton greyhound, got high hopes for him this season he showed good signs on his couple of outings last season.
  16. I have a dhgh x cg dog in at the minute he's getting on abit now but in his prime he would take 20+ rabbits a night. What a deer dog he is stands 28"tts.
  17. I have always used this cross, they will never be your out and out hare dog but they can give a good spin on a hare. I had a bitch 5-6 yrs back and she showed foxes no mercy. My uncle swears by this cross has had the same for 30yrs plus they are a good alround dog. Watch the strictly lamping and ferreting videos alot of the dogs on there are deerhound greyhound collie greyhound.
  18. Top work! Cant go past a working border!
  19. I bred a litter of borders back end of last year both parents PROVEN workers, the only reason for the litter was all pups had working homes to go to! The pups were kc but that makes no difference like donny says the dog doesn't know. All 5 of the pups were gifted because I know they will get the work they require. In my opinion that's the best way to do it gift dogs between the lads who will give them the work they need.
  20. I just gave a litter of border pups away before Xmas, don't see how anyone can ask them prices.
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