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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. Will foxes push against it in the same way Matt? I just wonder if a fox would prefer to take a bait and run (triggering the trap) rather than push against a string matrix ... ? The fox and badger have different bait taking responses IMO
  2. Heritage, I am not convinced entirely ... what constitutes a 'clone' trap? Would it be one that was exactly the same in manufacture and strength? If so why would a Duke or Belisle 110 BG not class as a clone for a 110 BMI? There is a trap on the STAO that is stated was made in the US, the Aldrich spring snare, which was not true - the Aldrich that was passed for use by MAF is not the same trap as you could buy from the USA, it had been modified to the point that it is almost a different trap to the one you can buy - how does that work? Is it a clone of itself ... ?? It also states
  3. So if the trigger system is modified then it remains the same? If you replaced the standard wire trigger with, say a round one, or a smaller/larger one, would it work the same, and therefore be classed as the same trap? What about adding new springs to a worn out trap? Would that be the same? I am just being Devil's advocate here, and would like to hear your views - not looking for anything other than intelligent discussion/argument
  4. Here's a thought ... How much modification to a trap or trapping system would you have to do to make the trap 'different' from the one trialled for the STAO? I mean, if you fit a new trigger to a BG, is it still the same trap? If you remove the safety catch from a trap, or change the shape of the plate, is it still the same? If you use a different tunnel to the one used when tested, is it still the same? What do you think?
  5. If it was a prototype trap I would have been very interested myself
  6. A nice little selection to start a collection, as for values, who can say? I would expect you to get at least the following for them - 3 gins, £8 -15 apiece Large round jaw gin is French £20 Round trap is also French £20 Fenn rabbit trap £20 Sawyer rabbit trap £15 Imbra £20-25 Big trap with round plate is Spanish £20 Just my opinion, thanks for posting
  7. I thought that you were referring to the 'fakes' out there - as in the cheapest Far Eastern imports masquerading as 'Fenn traps' Fenn traps, Solway traps and Springer traps are all stamped on the plate with their maker's name - anything that isn't stamped is most definitely not approved by the STAO Solway and Springer are most certainly not the same trap as the Fenn - manufacture differences give them very different characteristics in use as you will know Regarding whether DEFRA 'think they are humane' - watch this space on that ...
  8. Apart from being illegal and inhumane of course
  9. Try here www.fourteenacre.co.uk/shop/product-category/traps/fenn-traps/ OTC
  10. Fixing cable about a foot long with eyes in each end, wrap over and around and snap link the snare to it - simple
  11. Rest assured that the original trap was much more efficient, when produced by Fenn back in the 80s As with a lot of copycat traps, imported cheaply from the Far East - the standard is just not up to the job
  12. Quote: 'why would it need approval, there are no springs in it' Interesting point - I seem to think that the Nooski was on the HTAO and that is not a spring trap as we know it ... The NZ agenda is very different to the UK one, except for the fact that humaneness appears to superseding practicality in a lot of cases (DOC tunnel for example). What I have noticed is that it seems very easy (cheap) to let someone else do all of the leg work in testing traps, and then quickly approve them here (again citing the DOC trap as an example) as if they will suit our needs. The DOC trap might
  13. Foxdropper - You can remember back when the pole trap was only just legal? Are you sure?? Crikey I didn't think you were that old ... that would make you over 110 years old ...
  14. OK How did the footage end up on his laptop - do you know? As I said I don't decry the acts under those circumstances and the fog of war, but how did the film end up in a place for the Police to find?
  15. War is a confusing place to be, and asymmetrical thoughts and actions have to be made - I know that What I cannot condone though, is bringing the war back home with you in the form of momentos on your laptop or phone to show off with later That is what he was locked up for IMO - what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
  16. Can you not make your own pans for the bodygrip traps? Wood/weldmesh etc? There is no license required to buy traps from US or Canada for UK, but most retailers will not sell you traps that can be sold under license here (like BMI Magnum for example) as ours have been modified to fit the STAO and are not the same traps exactly.
  17. I am finding it difficult to answer this question - is that because I love them all? So many were tried and failed over the years and still do. Some were brutal, some were poorly made or designed, some were just plain impractical and developed with an engineering and not trapping mind I think some of the contrivances made for moles in recent years would have to be up there with the most useless ones - mole eliminator trap, talpirid trap, Beagle etc
  18. Still got the circle of swords on the wall in the pub?
  19. I will have it if it is still available please? And you can post to me in time? OTC
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