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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. Sorry, yes, the McPherson mole trap was a full barrel wooden tube, that acted the same as a Duffus, there is one illustrated in the Rural Reflections book, incorrectly attributed to being an early Duffus
  2. Yes, the McPherson was a rabbit trap. David Imrie trialled it for MAF If you need any dimensions of the JD&S traps etc, just ask while I have them out
  3. As promised, here are a few pics of the Duffus variations The early traps have the J Duffus & Sons name along with the Patent on the side of the barrel The wire attachment of the choker loops shown here In the years of development, I cannot be sure whether before or after the sale of the company and tooling to Mr Jolly, there were other variations made - One trap, stamped FARMQUIP on one side is a match for design, materials and size/weight as the JD&S traps so I can only summise it was produced by them Another variation has the turned up edge
  4. I might be able to post something this weekend about the (d)evolution of the Duffus design, with photos of the various models over time, if that would help? I think I have about 30 different 'Duffus' models and some of a similar logic
  5. Has anyone seen the Fenn or Springer versions of the Duffus trap? The Fenn was essentially flat with turned down sides, but the Springer one was much more curved, akin to the original Duffus type
  6. At long last a very thought provoking thread - unfortunately I cannot offer much substance to the discussion as I have no specific evidence why changes were made to this very effective trap, apart from that manufacturing costs, and modern materials each play an important part in the decision making process of trap production these days
  7. I have got duplicate copies of some rare books - if anyone wants the real deal 1st Editions and not modern reproductions - PM me
  8. But don't trust all of the info and photos of the traps - they got a little muddled up with what is and what isn't approved I think ... hopefully all resolved for the next issue
  9. I could be wrong but I think those found with J DUFFUS & SON stamped could be the later (but still very old) ones, and those with the additional PATENT stamp on them are the originals from the man himself. If anybody would like to own one of these relics, PM me and I will see if I can help ...
  10. I have had the pleasure of working with both and they each have their merits, both very knowledgeable blokes in their field
  11. I always prefer to use crabs from the seaside with burning candles on their backs to go down into rabbit holes to do this - a far more effective method IMO ...
  12. I think he means creosote Matt, but I doubt he will find it at his car boot - not real coal tar creosote anyway - maybe some of that glorified fence paint which will have minimal 'repellent' qualities compared to the right stuff
  13. Eddie could you give me a link to that legislation please? PM if you prefer
  14. DEFRA response on the 120-2 trap Re: your query about the Victor Conibear 120-2 It is approved for the purpose of killing or taking grey quirrels, mink, rabbits, stoats, weasels, rats, mice and other small ground vermin and must be set in a natural or artifical tunnel which is suitable for the purpose. In 1997, the list of traps approved under the Spring Traps Approval Order 1995 was amended to include clones of types approved under the 1995 Order, which included the Victor Conibears. The list of traps approved was amended again in 2007, which included the following for mink against mi
  15. I am not sure, I don't think that question has been asked - perhaps you could engage with NE and see? Belisle traps are so much nicer traps IMO - so it would be good to hear that are considered clones under the statute
  16. Yes it is classed as a clone (I think NE actually stated it somewhere specifically), so it is not required to be listed on the STAO
  17. I am not writing one ... not on trapping anyway, why would I? There are plenty of 'great' books already available to learn everything you need to know
  18. Stick around and you'll see it...... Don't hold your breath JD! Peter Fullerton - I do have opinions, and if you spend time reading the same old drivel on here year after year then you would have too. None, and I think I am safe in saying this, of the pro trappers post anything on here about the subject any more. Why? Because any photo is removed, threads are ruined by the uneducated, and as a result nothing progresses. Those that know, keep it to themselves. They don't write books or post on forums like this. Get out and try things, learn from experience. My kids can catch moles, al
  19. Get a book - apparently there's a 'great' one to read that tells you everything ...
  20. As I said, if it you consider it 'great' then that is fine for you. I don't. To me it is regurgitation of the same old diatribe that almost every trapping book has been for the past 100 years. Based on hearsay, or lacking modern invention or forethought. Anyone can read 5 books and paraphrase them all to make another with a different title, but in doing so nothing progresses or improves, and this generation of trappers is no better informed than the last. Take a look at Arthur Randell, Guy N Smith - do they break new ground? I doubt it. Traps have moved on, technology and mobility have moved o
  21. And semolina pudding with a lake of strawberry jam in the middle
  22. I have never waxed a trap I don't think, but I have run a coloured candle over fox wires from time to time I have tried speed dip, and have also tried a form of black dye cristals - neither of which appeared to improve the performance of the traps but did help them blend in a little, especially when fired (useful if you have trap botherers) I coat mine with rustoleum now - I have yet to see any rust showing underneath so it gives a good seal to stop corrosion and might just help to keep the traps working that little bit longer. Clean, or at least traps that are not rusted up, will fire
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