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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. Minced moles?? Is that what you Northerner's eat with your pease pudding?? OTC
  2. The so-called squirrel trap he was selling last week is not legal for use as it has not been approved by DEFRA OTC
  3. Not sure exactly which cages they make these days Rolfe but there are some good copies based on their original design and action on the market. I think 120-2 mentioned them the other day somewhere . . .? OTC
  4. I also noted him selling copies of the wooden Victor Gopher Trap last week as rat and squirrel traps on eBay - totally non approved spring traps for use of course - to the unsuspecting public. Shameful really. OTC
  5. They might look like the AB CP snares but they are not, they are his own made up copies. Just like everything else he sells there in the traps line - imported cheapo junk. I questioned him last year at a Game Fair about the legality of his spring traps and he couldn't give a straight answer, and couldn't even remember anything specific about the makers or use of the cage traps he was selling either. OTC
  6. Ferret and Ferreting Guide - NOW SOLD pending payment Trapping - A Practical Guide - NOW SOLD pending payment Air Rifle Hunting - NOW SOLD pending payment OTC
  7. My Life with Lurchers - NOW SOLD pending payment OTC
  8. A Question of Lurchers - NOW SOLD pending payment OTC
  9. I have the following books for sale, please PM me if you are interested – All hardbacks in good condition, with dustwrapper unless mentioned Prices include postage to UK, payment by cheque or PayPal (invoice sent on request) Poacher's Tales - 1993 Ed - John Humphries £10 More Tales of the Old Poachers -2003 repr 1st Ed - John Humphries £10 The Ferret and Ferreting Guide - 2005 Ed - Graham Wellstead (softcovers) £8 Rabbit Control - 2003 repr - Jackie Drakeford (softcovers) £8 The Notorious Poacher - 1986 2nd Imp - G Bedson £15 My Life with Lurchers - 198
  10. And I was wondering what to do with my evening . . . I will just sit back and enjoy the spectacle that is a THL slanging match I think OTC
  11. 90% of so-called Red Legged Partridges sold in the 1980's and 90's were actually half crossed with Chukar partridges or Rock Partridges. Easier to rear but infertile crosses for the 'keepers that put out thousands but did not expect or encourage them to breed. Obvious plumage differences were that the birds were somewhat greyer on their backs and many of them lost the black speckling below the throat collar. On a true red leg there is only one black bar on the flank feathers where the crosses had two OTC
  12. I do have another copy Pritch - did you enjoy reading yours I sent to you?? OTC
  13. Foxy Can you scan the article and post it up for us to read please? OTC
  14. Fenland Molecatcher – NOW SOLD I have plenty more books ready to list this week - keep watching OTC
  15. It is a pure bred Red Leg too - not a half cross as many are It is a cock not a hen by the way - don't ask me how I know - call it experience OTC
  16. Holdaway, that pipe under the sleepers is screaming out for a trap to be put inside - chuck some feathers and bait in behind it and expect a catch pretty quick I should say!! OTC
  17. Corky, PM JohnB the forum moderator and get a copy of Moley's DVD from him, that will explain everything you need to know OTC
  18. It is a stoat my friend, not a weasel OTC
  19. Sometimes a 'high' or stinking bait works better, or something out of the ordinary - I had a lot of success with fish. Make sure the base of the trap has a covering of soil so the fox is not walking onto wire mesh as they don't like that. A good shower of pigeon feathers is a good draw irrespective of which bait you use. OTC
  20. My only word of advice would be to buy the genuine Talpex traps from Killgerm - the Chinese imported junk that so often is offered for sale is a poor second best IMO OTC
  21. Aaron - Just out of curiosity - what do you mean by this comment? OTC
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