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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. There's your answer, Joe. I reckon it'll be the moggies setting the trap off rather than the fox. OTC
  2. Found a couple over the past couple of walks, let's see what you find please. I love nests and eggs. OTC Here's a nuthatch nest hole, all plastered up in an ash trunk And here's a mute swan sitting tight
  3. We put up a few fence wires this evening to catch a few outliers that we missed in the traps. The runs were hard to spot but the hoop snares seemed to do ok . . . OTC
  4. Me and a few mates decided to put a few traps out for the rabbits last night and this is how we got on when we checked them this morning. A typical night for us, even though we are amateur trappers. OTC
  5. At this time of year, and in view of the circumstances, rub the trap over well with anything 'lamby' you can find - stillborns or afterbirth is what he will be looking for so they would make the ideal, if distasteful, bait for the trap. Don't leave the trap in the public eye, a site with the trap side against a sheep fence will prevent him circling the trap and good luck - they are hard to catch in cages at the best of times, and with such rich food pickings abounding then you will have you work cut out, but it is possible!! OTC
  6. Ymir Killer - I have thought long and hard about that before myself, it is an obvious choice. Which size CW - big or small?? OTC
  7. Without trying to confuse you the simple way to tell them apart is to look at the way the coiled spring fits under the trap. On the Mark I trap it is attached to both jaw ends, and on the Mark 2 trap it is fixed to the base and to one jaw only. Why do you ask?? OTC
  8. It certainly is a Fuller trap Set by the 'Squirrel King' if I am not mistaken too, eh Chalkwarren?? OTC
  9. I have the following books for sale, please PM me if you are interested – All hardbacks in good condition, with dustwrapper unless mentioned Prices include postage to UK, payment by cheque or PayPal (invoice sent on request) Poacher's Tales - 1993 Ed - John Humphries £10 More Tales of the Old Poachers -2003 repr 1st Ed - John Humphries £10 Air Rifle Hunting - 2006 - John Darling £12 The Control Of Vermin - 1962 - Gilbertson and Page (softcovers rare) £15 Lonsdale Keeper’s Book – C1936 1st Ed – Eric Parker et al – w/out DW £32 Rats and How to Destr
  10. Make them with 2 foot x 6 inch board on three sides, and then put 2 stout sticks into the ground at the entrances of the tunnel. The mink will usually run the middle of the three holes so presented, and will cross the pan of the trap exactly where you want him. Bigger things don't tend to bother tunnels unless they are fish baited in my experience. There are usually plenty of natural bank overhangs and suchlike under roots etc that can be exploited too. they are not difficult to catch and are not trap shy at all. OTC
  11. Auto spray paint will give the traps some protection from oxidisation - some of my old traps were almost pristine under thick coats of old black paint when I cleaned them up. I seem to think that JohnB imported a load of speed-dip from the USA - try him, he might be able to help you OTC
  12. If it is that type you want go to the pound shop and buy a load of green border planting troughs and then cut a hole out of each end, simple. And cheaper than £15 a go! OTC
  13. I did exactly the same a few years back - I thought he'd be a bit wonky when I got him out but he was ok and went on to bolt me a couple of dozen rabbits in a particularly tricky overgrown corner of the shoot. I put him out of any misery shortly afterwards . . . OTC
  14. Nice mouse, there's a knack to that game you know?? You'd better perfect your game before you invite your friends round for a round or two!! OTC
  15. I am looking forward to doing a bit of 'nesting' again this year - see what I can find. I will try to remember the camera more often too!! OTC
  16. Moorland Gamekeeper - NOW SOLD pending payment Second copy still available OTC
  17. The type of location might help us a lot DnN but my instinct says otter spraint OTC
  18. I heard my first chiff-chaff today, and found my first mallard sitting her clutch yesterday Spring has sprung early it seems! OTC
  19. You must be some sort of shot with that catapult Jimmy . . . OTC
  20. I would say that that is perfectly feasable Martin. I have good authority from someone who knew (RIP) about these things that there are far more of these 'big cats' roaming than might be thought . . . OTC
  21. Sorry Eddie - I missed your post I still have a copy of Moorland Gamekeeper available - I have sent you a PM with details of payment Thanks OTC
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