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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. Whilst I have an opinion on Fenn vermin and rabbit trap copies I don't on these Rolfe. I have handled both types (and others) and all seem more than capable of killing the intended target easily enough. The Talpex is well made, but is imported from the Continent, whereas the others originate somewhere more 'oriental'. Purely from a trap collector's angle I would be interested to hear the views of users of the 'other' types, as well as advocates of the genuine article. OTC
  2. Oh my god typical. I never get these ridiculous answers off Irish people. ye must be under constant supervision and surveilance in the uk. no wonder hunting was banned there. It is not a ridiculous answer it is law. Fact Up to you really ~ if you want the Garda knocking at your door then crack on OTC
  3. I don't think I am wrong in saying that it is illegal to use a live bait for foxes in UK or Eire OTC
  4. on that link it states that hedgehogs one one of the four target pest predators. what exactly do they predate??? Those predator details are for NZ where they suffer from the hedgehog's predilictions of the eggs of ground nesting birds OTC
  5. Wow Kay - you have certainly gone up a gear with your photos. Great shots! OTC
  6. You do not want to be having ferret kits until they are 7 or 8 weeks old - they will not be weaned at 2 weeks, and will probably die Think about what you are doing before you try anything stupid OTC
  7. A well written reply L&L - could you add anything about the population explosion of badgers within the same timescale, and why there are so many badgers killed on our roads? OTC
  8. Can I ask where you got yours from Cock Grouse? I was after a couple to try myself OTC
  9. Happy Birthday Lloyd - take it easy tonight. You know how you can get carried away . . . ?? OTC
  10. Yes they have been approved for a while but bizarrely are still being tested by the GWCT at Fordingbridge. They will also be the sole importers when they do decide to begin bringing them over. There are a few over here that individuals have bought in but they are not widely available yet. I think 120-2 on here has a couple - perhaps he can let you know how they are? OTC
  11. I have worked and lived with travelling families most of my life and I think I detest the stereotyped image as much as they do. There are some rogues in any walk of life but as soon as anything goes missing why blame the romany people straight away? I hope that your dogs are soon recovered by the way OTC
  12. And I collect old traps, strange as it might seem OTC
  13. Cheers OTC, any way I can confirm it's mink? Particular sign I should look for etc. Would you set Fenns or cage traps? Got some MK6's (genuine ) that could be pressed in to service or I could borrow some more cage traps off another farmer I work for possibly. Thanks for help mate. G. Either will do the trick, flood the place with them - he won't have gone too far and they are not trap shy To be honest there is not much to go on, but what ever it is would be caught in a similar way as described above. OTC
  14. I used to have one of those Poacher, with the short bail arm and the torpedo shaped back end. I have seen a few but none with good paint, it seems to peel off easily OTC
  15. Gollum, it has all the hallmarks of a mink, set some more traps around up and down the waterway (even if it is dried up) and around any rabbit holes nearby. Kippers are good bait at this time of year as they do not get maggot infested so quickly as fresh baits OTC
  16. Nice finds Comanche I like quietly looking through the old tackle boxes myself whilst the car boot vultures grab for the reels and rods. I like the old floats and bits, very interesting. I found one of those bait presses last year, almost perfect paint job. I swapped it for an old trap I think ... OTC
  17. I have decided to let another couple of things go from my study wall - This one is a vintage lithograph - a copper plate etching, hand coloured, nicely mounted and framed in a hardwood frame. It is large ~ approx 2 foot x 3 foot. A nightmare to take a photo of - the refelctions and flash are from the camera and glass, it is clean and crisp in actual life Price £30 plus postage at cost I can accept a cheque or PayPal OTC
  18. I have decided to let another couple of things go from my study wall - This one is a great fisherman's frame, complete with a set of 9 coarse fish cigarette cards and a selection of 12 flies, nicely mounted and framed in a hardwood frame A nightmare to take a photo of - the refelctions and flash are from the camera and glass, it is clean and crisp in actual life Price £15 plus postage at cost I can accept a cheque or PayPal OTC
  19. I found half a dozen of those last year but none this time (yet) OTC
  20. Lynn Faulds Wood (off watchdog years ago), Toyah Wilcox, The Sky News weather man (total twat), the Wiggles off kids TV, Michael J Fox, Harry Hill .... I could go on, but the mere thought of the first one has already got back up OTC
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