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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. It is miseducation Donk - simple I watched some of yesterday's 'Wildlife Hospital' or whatever it was called on the TV and was not surprised to see this do-gooder collecting RTA hedgehogs, deer and badgers etc, cuddling and talking to them and giving them names. He released a young roe that was clearly distressed - not from its ordeal - more from being cuddled and talked to - and squeaking and the chap said it was calling 'Mom' to find its mother .... that just about summed it up for me. They are WILD animals, not furry teddy bears with faces and personalities. They don't think rationally,
  2. In one weir pool on the Severn I used to fish as a lad we used a tin of luncheon meat ripped into four big chunks - each chunk on a size 4 hook freelined. We cast the meat up onto the weir sill and within seconds of it hitting the water in the weirpool it was taken. Barbel varied from 3 1/2 lb up to 8 pounders If we used a leger, or cut the meat into cubes then it was ignored OTC
  3. Except muskets (male sparrowhawks) are grey not dark brown ... OTC
  4. Pure genius - thanks for making me laugh out loud!! OTC
  5. I agree it is a sad sight - out of interest - what did your dogs make of it? OTC
  6. I beg to differ on this one Darrell - unless you know something that I don't? The musket is 2/3 the size of the spar and a totally different colour These guys 'appear' to know a thing or two about British Birds and their identification, if my word is unqualified ... http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/s/sparrowhawk/index.aspx OTC
  7. Make sure the fox is not walking onto wire mesh - they don't like it - chuck a good few shovel fulls of fresh earth mixed in with chicken shed shavings etc to cover the mesh. Also put one side against a fence/shed/gate or something to stop him walking round it. He's more likely to venture in then. Good luck! OTC
  8. John, there's a few of them around every where now it seems, I have never seen so many round this part of the world OTC
  9. I will take this one - PM sent Dig deep throw well back by J Darcy £45 posted OTC
  10. It is a female sparrowhawk in first pics and a buzzard in the second lot - not a goshawk or kestrel in sight! OTC
  11. PM sent Boosha - send me some photos and I will find out what it is for you OTC
  12. PM sent Mick The post from the antiques web you posted DnN relates to a dear old friend of mine who no longer collects traps - I now have his collection of things added to my own. The wire things might well be tealers but I cannot identify them - and to be honest if I can't then I doubt anyone will! OTC
  13. I would like to see him spit on the medal of a serving soldier, sailor or airman and see how he was 'respected' by them for his trouble And I know that any worthy policeman might turn the other cheek if it did happen Vermin OTC
  14. Kirk Have a look at the 'short' thread in the gamekeeping section on catapults - you should find most of your answers in there somewhere OTC
  15. I find that the trees with their feet in a stream have the prettiest bark John, for some reason OTC
  16. You should be ok for another couple of weeks yet John before the sap starts to rise again OTC
  17. Very good Kay - you are definitely getting the hang of that camera! OTC
  18. Perfectly legal to own for collector purposes but might be difficult to explain if you actually keep game fowl OTC
  19. I weighed some in last weekend Mixed brass 2200 a ton and Copper 3400 a ton OTC
  20. It's a good photo Kay - nice depth of field which adds to its charm - good foreground and interesting background. Nice OTC
  21. I will have these Bobafet please A mouchers tale Phil LLoyd good condition £10 posted A question of lurchers David Hancock mint £12 posted OTC
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