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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. A few photos of the often overlooked wood pigeon from my wanderings last weekend OTC
  2. I strongly disagree John, this trap is not stated as being in use or even considered to be used - it is an old relic trap that has been found which needed identifying. It is no worse than showing an old spear mole trap - both are old and now either illegal for use or frowned upon at least in the case of the mole trap but still perfectly fine for discussion in my opinion. I care not about the 'antis' and what they might 'think' of old traps, there is no law preventing their display or suchlike and I am perfectly happy to comment on any that are shown in this manner on this forum. I woul
  3. I don't know anything specific about them Tallyho but I do know that they are collectable and have some value if they are good old ones which they look like to me There's a chap I sometimes see at the antiques fairs and flea markets that looks for them specifically. Maybe try them on eBay and see what they fetch if you're not wanting them OTC
  4. Presuming that the egg has been nailed or glued to the plate, rather than sitting in a cut out oval in the plate, I can tell you that it has been adapted by a keeper as a crow trap, now illegal by the way (the setting of it, not the keeping of it!) A nice old thing to keep as a talking point though OTC
  5. Neal you will be missing out on the fine thread to set it then ... The traps on eBay are new finds not sold before I don't think OTC
  6. I don't think so, and certainly not that one. It looks like the same nest site I was watching recently from a hide Is that one in Gloucestershire?? OTC
  7. Thanks for the offer of help CW - I have been speaking to a few folks already Just got to find a local typesetter to do his magic before the printer does his ... If any one has an early wire Fenn trap like the one CW has shown there then get in touch - that is one of a couple of types I am looking for, for my museum collection. To put things back on track on this thread .... I am not qualified to give details of the 'modern' entire trap approval process - I think CW would be the man to comment on that - but I do know that the methods used to test (or not to test) the efficiency
  8. DW - old Ditch Shitter only had the thought of producing a book on traps, nothing was ever actually typed up. He has long since lost interest in traps now anyway. I know there's a few waiting for my book/s - I will try not to disappoint you for too much longer ... It is not quite as easy as JD and Chalkwarren would have you believe to get the manuscript to print stage .... The Fenn traps are made in a slightly different manner these days - the guys that developed the trap, or had any notion of improvement are long gone, and it will be continued in its present - tried and tested - format as
  9. Imbras and Jubys were discontinued for a couple of reasons - the rights to making both types of traps was continually shifted and designs changed slightly over time, eventually the holder of the rights, for whom the traps were made under license, stopped requesting them. This was partly in response to public opinion - that there were cheaper and better traps available. Those traps favoured were actually the Fenn range of traps. Fenns have been made since the 1950's. It is possible that these same old traps could still be used legally, and we all realise the consequences of using a trap wit
  10. Go on then - I will be the one to ask .... What is a Magpie tunnel trap? OTC
  11. I hate the word 'VILE' - no idea why - it just gets my back up when I hear it OTC
  12. I had a cock bird singing his heart out from the top of my big tree in the garden yesterday, he was really going for it OTC
  13. Finished my website, still a few pics to go on, but it is almost ready for the launch of my books when they are done. OTC

  14. They quite like tall rhododendron or laurel trees too OTC
  15. They are surprisingly well made traps Bluemink - I bought one just to have a look at but haven't used it I cannot see any reason why they wouldn't be very efective mouse catchers though OTC
  16. I know it is not a consideration for most field clothing but Paramo always looks ragged, never tidy. I used to wear it at work but I looked like I had dressed from the rag bin, even if I was bone dry in the heaviest rain. OTC
  17. Can't see anyone catching cats with wires set 3 inches high ... or many rabbits for that matter OTC
  18. Are you flashing those Lloydy Boy traps at me again ChalkWarren .... ?? OTC
  19. There's a load in the pool in Goldenstones Park in Yeovil, Somerset too - I saw them there one day when having a wander OTC
  20. Crepuscular Rays - and they say to never trust a weather man ... Google it - you will see OTC
  21. Very nice T-R Now don't go cleaning it up too much, far too many traps have been ruined by over-cleaning I just give them a light rub over in hot soapy water with wire wool, taking care not to overdo it. You want to keep the patina, but remove loose surface rust, grime and debris. That trap will have a maker's stamp on the spring just behind the spring eye - let me know what it is (or looks like) OTC
  22. That looks like a superb job done there DW, I wish I could finish something as well as that Useful looking tool OTC
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