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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. Certainly NOT AT YOU Moxy - read back through the posts on this forum and you will see a common derailment of posts by certain members ... OTC
  2. Once again on this forum is another case of idiots ruling THL ... It is obvious that these very effective Duffus-type traps take some fettling, as do most traps in their raw state from the manufacturers - it makes them more effective, easier to use and more humane which should be the ambition of all trappers ... surely?? Why, when someone expresses an opinion is it rubbished instantly - it is only an opinion afterall. And why, when folk have a lifetime's experience in such matters are they told categorically that they are wrong. Surely they will have worked out what is best for them, a
  3. ... 'God is not on the side of the big battallions, but on the side of those who shoot best ...' Voltaire
  4. MT - I don't think you would have any problem from a legal perspective with catching them up alive in funnel traps as the 'keepers do for laying stock I would approach the shoot captain before that though - explain the situation - she should be allowed to claim compensation for loss from the shoot if it can be proven as you said it could OTC
  5. Millet Get one of the blue polythene drums that 'keepers use for pheasant feeders - fit a strap or handle and drag it wherever you need to, it will go anywhere that you will OTC
  6. is still looking for old traps ...

    1. paulus


      should have wrote down where you left them.....lol

    2. scothunter
  7. I have got a few myself, I wondered if anyone else had any? Does anyone have any duplicates to sell or swap? OTC
  8. £35 is a fair price for a good copy of a 1st Edition if it has its dust wrapper Go back and get it! OTC
  9. Is it me or has this forum, and this part in particular just become an argumentative place? It used to be pleasure to read some informative and interesting posts by knowledgeable people, and all done in a dignified and helpful manner. Folks' trapping and snaring skills were improving as new thoughts and ideas were tried and tested which can only be good. Even some of the old hands came into the new world with experimentation with bodygrip traps or breakaway snares etc, but all the time it was pleasureable. These days, every post has a snidey remark, or an 'I am better than you and you
  10. Illiteracy through laziness Text talk Tangled telephone wires Blunt pencils Soaps on TV The Proclaimers - Letter from America (sends me into a rage ... ) Short people with umbrellas Footballer-style ties Chavs with 'look hard dogs' OTC
  11. Those burrow busters look more effective than I was told ... OTC
  12. Underwoods sell cheap imported copies, not genuine Fenn or Springer traps
  13. I was there on the march - a great spectacle OTC
  14. The jaws are designed to catch and kill equally from either direction, the killing mark is 2 1/2 inches above the centre of the plate, just as they were on the gin trap that they were designed to replace Cover the trap as fully as possible, but the end horns of the killing arms can be left exposed, make sure that the plate is level and flush with the floor of the hole OTC
  15. Logun They are powerful and proper top-striking killers, more powerful than the Fenn vermin and rabbit traps but not as powerful as a DOC. They can be set and placed into a large tunnel or hole where the DOC cannot as it has to be bolted into its box to set it (and use it legally). One drawback with the bank trap is that it was made to be baited - the trap is fired by something (muskrat) moving the bait wires not as a plate or trigger wire set-up. They come in a whole load of different sizes too, many passed to Euro standard - look for those with the AE stamp on them, usually green pai
  16. it's a Dutch muskrat killer trap, sometimes known as a bank trap (or at least a version of it) OTC
  17. fantastic idea, where do i get starving rats ? ................................... ffs I have got eleven of them that you can have Moley, I did have a dozen but they are so hungry one ate the other ..... OTC
  18. OK perhaps I am wrong - would you mind telling me where in the Act it tells you that it is not necessary to check Spring Traps on a daily basis please? Could you please give me the quote that dictates that it is ok for someone to set and then fail to check a spring trap within 24 hours in the UK? OTC
  19. I think that you need to have a read of the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Ac and its amendments if you think that it is not a legal requirement to check spring traps daily ... OTC
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