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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. And the woman wasn't your average woman either ...
  2. Thinned with what? White spirit? Thanks for all of the replies OTC
  3. Any stickmakers on here? I wonder what you use to finish hazel shanks to get the gloss or polished finish? I have Danish oil and finishing wax - are either what I need or is there a better product/method? I don't want to ruin good spalted hazel shanks from not asking! OTC
  4. Well there's tea and there's tea - I think the connoisseurs of blended loose tea are in a different league to me. I just love big mugs of hot, sweet, milky builders tea - and lots of it! OTC
  5. Well done, but I am not sure I would know quite where to put them! You would need a large trophy room for those mounts I think I can see a lot of work has gone into those OTC
  6. It was for catching birds of prey or herons, it had a bait on the spikes rather than a foot plate like most traps OTC
  7. If anyone knows where I can find one of these traps for my collection, please PM me OTC
  8. I don't like Earl Grey - I think I would rather go without and I love tea ... it tastes a bit 'flowery' to me OTC
  9. You just can't beat a cup of tea can you? I have never really been one for messing with loose tea, I am not that fussed over my choice of tea bag either - Tetley or PG Tips seem to be the general theme though. I had Lipton tea when overseas - just not the same! OTC
  10. Ever heard of geotagging or metadata? Post an image on here 'pre ban' and give away all of your secrets? It never ceases to amaze me what idiots will post and then wonder why things happen to them - reap what you sow! OTC
  11. I will have to knock one up this week and give it a go, should be fine for kindling chestnut or ash, I don't fancy my chances with anything tough! OTC
  12. I have bolted them into water when ferreting near flooded pools and riverbanks I also ferreted an island way out in a lake once that I had to reach by boat, there were plenty of rabbits there and no one had taken them OTC
  13. I saw them climbing up in the tops of trees in the wadis of Oman OTC
  14. £50+ for a common type in fair condition to a lot more for a good unusual one OTC
  15. I am sorry Paul but that is simply not true, when I had my tunnel traps set as a keeper I used catch weasels daily - bitches as well as dogs - and wood mice OTC
  16. I have just seen a wrecked, broken and badly welded old trap sell on eBay for 1200 - whoever bid on it will have shock when it arrives I am sure, I wouldn't have given it shed room ... OTC
  17. I have one here for sale if anyone would like one - it is made like a giant pole trap, with 24 inch jaws and two curved springs - one on each side OTC
  18. 'Were Two Go Lappining' Daniel Davies, 2013
  19. That could be the answer BH - I will try it next time and see what happens! Thanks OTC
  20. I can put an edge on a knife but it is a bit hit and miss, I have used wet stones and modern sharpening plates with the same result as Vin I would also like to know the secret - I have time, and a vice etc but lack the know how So come on you knife makers - what's the secret? Step by step pics would help me no end OTC
  21. I have Doug's old address if it is of any use? OTC
  22. Philstory - out of interest - what was illegal about the snare you mentioned? OTC
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