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Everything posted by OldTrapCollector

  1. You're welcome Jack That's Ratting and Rabbiting and Pugs and Drummers SOLD I do have another copy in equal condition of Pugs and Drummers if anyone wants one? OTC
  2. He could have been under the lawnmower at an early age, perhaps Micky
  3. BMI Magnum 110 bodygrip trap I think OTC
  4. Er, I don't think so ... why do you not think its a mk4 fenn .i use 4 and 6 and i would say a fenn Because I would say that it is not a Fenn trap at all
  5. I have a long list of books for sale - see Sale section, Miscellaneous
  6. I think the whole site is having problems this evening
  7. I have the following books for sale, priced to sell, all prices include postage Please PM me to secure them - The Keeper’s Book (Sir Peter Jeffery Mackie)£22 Lakeland Gamekeeper (Imrie) £15 A Gamekeeper’s Note Book (Jones and Woodward) £20 Autobiography of an English Gamekeeper £30 The Keeper’s Book (Walker and Mackie) £20 New ways with Partridges £15 The Ferret and Ferreting Guide (Welstead) £9 Ratting and Rabbiting £15 Rabbit Control £8 Ferrets (D Brian Plummer) £15 Modern Ferreting (D Brian Plummer) £17 Pugs and Drummers £18 Ferreting (Fred J Taylor) £15 Ferret and Ferr
  8. Tom, Has he been running through fields that have been sprayed with pesticides etc? I had a similar thing years ago - bramble scratches infected with crop spray OTC
  9. You won't find a better patriot for Fenn traps, they don't exist. BUT, if DB Springs who now make the trap under license, would just beef up the springs (that they actually make themselves) then the Fenn spring trap would be MUCH better IMO And they risk losing their status and/or their fan club if they do not keep up with the competition for really humane traps. Alan Fenn would turn in his grave ... OTC
  10. Why can't I add any links/photos/text etc using tyhe paste option any more? Anyone know what has changed, or what I must do?

    1. paulus


      works fine for me, are you on a phone or tablet?

    2. OldTrapCollector


      PC/laptop/iPad - tried them all Paulus - it won't let me copy text and paste, or move photo IMG codes from photobucket like it used to


    3. P5HEN


      wha internet search engine are you using? i had same problems,changed my internet explorer to mozilla firefox and then it worked

  11. Yes, they are a similar design to the Fenn and Springer, and equally legal (on the STAO) but they have stronger springs www.solwayfeeders.com/categories/spring-traps-c193.html
  12. Yes, you're quite right Matt, but many of the helpful and informative trappers have long gone from here and they have been replaced by nit-pickers who delight in ruining threads, or belittling folk, rather than constructively helping others. That is not to say that no good can come of it, in time, but that is, I think, a fair reflection of how it is right now IMO
  13. I actually agree with you Eddie - a lot of trappers do not post on here for fear of being shot down in flames by someone or other and prefer to keep things to themselves, even if they are on the right side of the law, wherever they may be from. There's always someone who disagrees with something and makes painful reading when they do. A lot of misguided and opinionated folk will take great pleasure in shooting you down too. Just my opinion OTC
  14. Got a few - 'Tales of a Rat Hunting Man' £15 posted 'Diary of a Hunter' £22 posted 'Modern Ferreting' £17 posted 'Ferrets' £15 posted 'Modern Lurcher' Shaw (but written by Plummer) £15 posted PM me
  15. I always use wooden pegs and find a wooden mallet splits the peg tops far less than a metal one. My mallet - made from the horizontal side shoot of an established holly tree as the handle and the 'trunk' part as the mallet head - has lasted me for a long time. To dig the trap bed out I have a billhook, that I also use for knock back vegetation, cutting brash etc if I need it but I find I rarely have to use it for setting traps I have seen various contrivances made for setting traps over the years, some decades old, and it is up to you what you use in the situation you need it for. I tr
  16. This is a fair price and will be ideal for what you need www.fourteenacre.co.uk/shop/1trapping-hammer/ OTC
  17. A hobby has red flashes under its wing - I am not too sure whether they are here yet though OTC
  18. JD - ask Natural England, they are the people in the know on this OTC
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