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Everything posted by vfr400boy

  1. Just seen this add on gum tree what you think ? Five hens and one cock bird. 12 months old, just starting to lay. These are large gingers, all horseshoe dotted. Had this breed for the last 40 years. First to see will buy. £150 for all. (Cock bird worth that on his own to the right person, so this is a bargain offer for serious chicken lovers)
  2. I feed layers mash to my laying hens it's £9 for 25kg and feed phesant pellets and mixed corn to my bantams and guine fowl (only coz I get the pellets cheep lol )
  3. Sounds like a very good offer where abouts are you ?
  4. Looking good , I just use a 6x4 shed with a perch in and two barrels in for nesting u can just lift them out and wash them
  5. Nice looking birds and nice set up , just seen my pair mating for the first time to day , how long till I get some eggs ? Thanks
  6. Hi , can you not trap him behind a gate to have a closer look or get a noose ? Ones a pig is nosed it will freze , hope this helps
  7. Thanks gnipper , what size pipe is it ? Think I will have a go , and wich wing feathers to you tape ? Thanks
  8. Thanks gnipper , what size pipe is it ? Think I will have a go , and wich wing feathers to you tape ? Thanks
  9. How long dose it take to get them used to the pop hole ? Did u put a wire box on the front first ? Looks a good box !
  10. I'd like to see some pics of the coops or pens you guys use as I want to get in to game birds
  11. I just want some nice birds am new to game birds
  12. I used to breed them for meat and pets I had newzeland whites Californians and one British giant , used to get a litter every 8 weeks I enjoyed it a lot
  13. The bloke selling the oxfords also has theis shamos for sale , I quite like the look of them , ther 10pound each ? What do you think ?
  14. I got mine at six weeks and the only probs I had is thay like to roost high up they would rather go on the shed roof then in it , and I keeped them separate to my hens and feed a good quality Turkey pellet , hope this helps ,
  15. We run at 90% , we weened on a wedsday and serve Monday moring at 7 then at 2pm then Tuesday moring at 7 , boar contact is grate the more stimulated she is the more eggs she will release , good luck
  16. Grate thread only just seen it , I am new to gardening , it will be my second year n the Alotments , looking forward to spring to get planting , I keep 6 hens for eggs and did 4 turkey's for Xmas on there , I will up load some pics when I work out how
  17. We keeped about 20 boars for collecting off , but as soon as any showed any signs of aggression they was on the lorry , you have to make friends with them when ther young and show them who's boss
  18. Hi old red up un till recently I worked on a breeding unit we AI ,d a 100 sows and 30 gilts a week ,
  19. Thanks welshgamecock , I will go and look at them tomorow or thurs , he also has shamos for sale ,
  20. I don't want to sell um on I'd like to hatch some out , do thay make good broodys ? Sorry for all the questions
  21. Ha ha thanks , will any large fowl OEG go with them ?
  22. Hi I have found a add in our local paper selling oxford ginger hens 10pound each is this a good price ? And how hard will it be to find a cock thanks Chris
  23. Thanks for the replys think I sud get my Avery built buy a good bird book then go find me some , thanks agein
  24. Is dimorphic a breed ? , and how do I tell if there young ? I have room for a few breeding cages and When I get my garden sorted am going to make a small flight , are thay a good starter bird thanks
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