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Everything posted by vfr400boy

  1. I keep some Micky mouse white pigeions ( my first birds ) iv learned a lot from keeping them but are now looking for some tipplers / tumbelers where would be the best place to find some quality birds ?
  2. My mate has this Thai spear he bought eggs and only one cock hached , pm me if your interested
  3. I had my geese on soaked growers pellets mixed corn , and milky mash potatoes , found it in an old garden farming book , they love the mash put loads of milk in ( my mate works at a dairy so it was free , and I just got a big bag ov spuds for a £5 ) I put them in a small pen to so they did not walk the weight off , hope this helps
  4. Thanks gnipper just wanted to make sure I was doing it [BANNED TEXT] , they have acses to a grass run but they have not come out ov the shed yet
  5. Thanks bob I have 4 bags off food from the farm but i dont want um to get to big befoe Xmas as i have people who want them for Xmas and been told if you get them to big they can go off ther legs ?
  6. Just got 10 3 week old cocks from a chicken farm to fatten for Xmas , last year I just fed them on mixed corn and mash Potato's , just wonderd what you lads feed meat birds thanks
  7. Top post gray face very help full
  8. Maplin have the panels on offer 12quid , and they are good ones not the cheep built ones like on eBay
  9. Today I have bought a solar panel and a 240v outside light ( but got a 12v LED bulb for it ) just need to get a timer now and a car batt , I know am prob abit late this year but hope to keep um laying next year , any of you have a 12v rig ?
  10. Thanks for that , iv bread my minocars that I got given , I bought a cock in , so I can put the cock to the 2 hens I keeped back and and one of the cock chicks to the existing hens ? Then what sud I do the yera after ? Thanks
  11. Good question I have often wonderd , and how close can you bread ?
  12. Yes this one says mother on it wats all that about ? Thanks
  13. Thanks chicken man , wud that be the same for me dog to ?
  14. It arived in the post today so going to try it tomorow , so one ml to one L ?
  15. Thanks for all the advice , found 5L of organic ACV on amazon for £11.85 deliverd
  16. That link bud is only for 2.5l it's 14quid for 5l still cheep tho !
  17. So it dose work then ? , we're is the best place to buy it ? Sorry for all the questions
  18. Thanks for that I will have to try some , iv seen it in asda at £1 a bottel but am guessing that it's pasteurised ,
  19. Was reading some were that cider vinegar is good for chickens , dose any one use it ? Or is it just a mith ?
  20. Just asked a pest controler I know and he has some ficam , I will paint all wood with oil mixed with cresort , I can't bleve I got the buggers I try look after them best I can and they just come from know were
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