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brian c

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Everything posted by brian c

  1. I've just brought a whippet bitch she only 19'' just wondered if they came smaller
  2. Hi just wondered wats smallest whippet u have owned or seen wat can catch good numbers on the lamp?or can catch a bolter on bold grass ? Atb Brian
  3. Could whippets kill long ears single handed daytime pre ban?
  4. Just wondered has anyone else got 1 out this litter and how they r getting on with them?
  5. How was scouse X buddy indy litter?
  6. How did scouse x budfy indy turn out.?
  7. Alb u see wat it was like round town
  8. Saluki greyhound ur full of it
  9. Anyone no of these dogs or have 1 there be bout 17 months old? Any info would be appreciated thanks ,,
  10. Could they kill daytime hares pre ban ? If so how much wind do they or did have ? Any info would be appreciated thanks
  11. ive got a dog out this breed and he doin well I was just wonderin if anyone else on this site has one and how there getting on thanks
  12. Wat u runnin lofty lads?? And I wouldn want his toes couldn do a lot with them
  13. match is off fri now charlies bitch is injured
  14. flame tails [bANNED TEXT] u no the truth mate an apoligie would be nice
  15. yeh he doin well knows the lamp real good and he a good retriever .
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