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About gazjon5

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    Canada alberta

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  1. You can f**k right off with your spring, we probably still have another 8 weeks of snow on the ground here to look forward to, and it was -30 yesterday...
  2. I think with bear a lot depends on what they have been feeding on. A fall bear that's been eating oats and berries all summer is meant to be superb. One that's had a lot of fish or been raiding trash for its diet is often on the other end of the scale, at least that's what a lot of people round here say.
  3. That's a fair point, i still love to watch bears when i come across one, or listen to wolves howling at night, its just i now have no issue putting one down when needed. I am sure most on here love watching wildlife, even though we hunt. I have seen some pretty cool stuff since been over here, without a doubt the best was sat in a treestand with my son when a pack of 6 or 7 wolves of came past at about 50yds, leapfrogging each other while the stopped ones scanned ahead, it was awesome.
  4. I was the same when I first got over here and had no interest in hunting bears or wolves. I think a lot of that I was down to the image the media / Disney/ antis portray of them. But after a couple of years I realised for me it's no different to hunting fox back home, there is a ton of them here and they do cause problems. Plus spring time is boring as f**k (you can't fish April / May with the ice break up) and bear season is the only thing to do.
  5. Nope never tried it pal but a lot of people do, (the griz are protected here and cannot be hunted, black bear are common though and an over the counter tag to hunt). Just to note over 60% of Alberta is crown land, and there is no need to get permission to hunt it, you just have to make sure you follow the seasons, bag limits etc. The fish and wildlife officers here have more power than the coppers and dont feck about lol... Edited to add the 60% includes some parks like Jasper / Banff where you cant hunt, (but there is still a ton of land where you dont need permission)
  6. Yes mate, we have had a couple, there is no shortage of them or grizzly here.
  7. They do take a fair bit of stock in areas where they overlap mate, but they do a right number on the wild game (moose, elk deer)as well, pretty much to the point the populations collapse and then they starve and die off anyway. It all goes in cycles., its just the cycles can take years / decades to play out and if the numbers are controlled the goal is to try and keep it in some semblance of balance.
  8. Thanks for that Mack, I hadn't seen it before
  9. Seen some debate on one of the threads about wolf sizes and just seen, 150lb Alakan wolf caught just before Xmas. Thought to be the biggest for many years. Alaskan Trappers Catch One of the Heaviest Wolves Ever | Outdoor Life WWW.OUTDOORLIFE.COM A pair of Alaskan trappers caught what might just be the heaviest wild wolf to ever be weighed on...
  10. Unless it has changed in the last 10 years, you can net without any license, but you will have to check with your local fisheries officer (google it) as there will be restrictions on mesh sizes, and where you can drop the nets (nowhere near a river mouth when salmon or seatrout are running for example). There will also be restrictions on what you can do with your catch (if you use a powered boat you cant sell your catch without a commercial license). Just for info but where i used to net you could expect a bit of grief from the rod and line anglers, so I would drop the nets near low water in t
  11. I fished around Chilliwack in the Vedder for the salmon each morning Mack, but we stayed in an airbnb and launched my own boat at Mission Bridge, a couple of miles down the road. I have been taking my own boats there for the last 10 yrs and never used a guide, the launches around Chilliwack are not great for a boat with a prop like mine (fine for a jet boat though). Also the Fraser above Chilliwack gets proper shallow and the banks / gravel-bars change every year, below Chilliwack it is deeper and the gravel-bars dont move much. Lots of good guides on the river, but if it was my money i would
  12. Just got back from a 4 day trip to the fraser river in BC. Sturgeon fishing was pretty slow overall but my son and mate both had pb's (son got an 8ft3in and my mate a 7ft 6"). Salmon fishing was better than usual and we had coho every morning (used for bait) and a chinook.
  13. Hey Mack are these great lakes fish? I will be over in BC fishing the fraserfor salmon and sturgeon thanksgiving weekend, even though it will be peak of the coho run we won't see numbers like yours!
  14. They scrap ok in the river, did my fair share of carp fishing when in the uk and reckon pound for pound carp fight slightly better usually. These are lake sturgeon, slightly different species to the white sturgeon in the Fraser / Columbia rivers, and these only go to about 6ft / 75lb. Even though they are called lake sturgeon we only get them here in rivers. They can be almost hollow early on in the spring when you get them, length and width / girth is similar there belly almost goes to the backbone when you pick them up. This time of year they are usually pretty full / heavy for there size. I
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