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j j m

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Everything posted by j j m

  1. j j m


    as mooreman says i never fed any of my birds in the mews
  2. j j m

    Pr goshawk

    lovely birds if you have the right land to fly them on and got the time to put in to them
  3. j j m

    HH x goldie

    red tails can be odd at the best of times
  4. welcome to the forum bud
  5. all air arms rifles are stupid money these days
  6. j j m


    man should have his hand chopped off for killing any bird of prey
  7. had loads over the years would i have another one no
  8. cant help with that but tried one lines were to fine for my eyes
  9. just bought 2 nice ones off the bbs a few weeks back not had a chance to get out with them yet
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