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Everything posted by Alg1980

  1. Cheers mate I'll get straight on that
  2. Cheers [bANNED TEXT] I'll get straight on that
  3. Jus got a wod of cash for Xmas n I'm after a ferret finder after the buggers layed up for 5 hours the other week does any 1 know where other than crap bay I could get them from
  4. Every month with with a R in it that's the rules lol
  5. Lol sorry I meant bar the gun is Air Arms XM100 I got it from a friend a few yrs ago n I love this gun I gotta s410 carbine to use ATM but it would b excellent to get the old girl fixed
  6. I pump up my air rifle to 180lb I fire about 10 shots and it stops firing and it sounds like it's empty again but it's not any ideas
  7. Collie/grey  awesome setup
  8. Jus like my ferrets to have plenty of room so they run n play and stay nice and slim for the winter don't see the point of taking a fat ferret to work it ain't gonna want to work.
  9. Cheers mate I only hav two jills ATM but I'm hopefully gonna keep a few of the kits n then hav bout 5-6 in there
  10. Lol I still think that's small especially now all there stuffs in there
  11. i have built them a raised floor with a sleeping quarters since this pic
  12. Well I did plan to end the season on sunday 21/2/11 went out n had a slow day so that was me done for the season  but today i get a call asking if i wanna go on this coming sunday so the holiday for my two jills is cancelled n we r going out  lets hope i end the season on a better day than the last
  13. Na it ain't been hammered mate I'm the only person that has worked it n I hav only been once [bANNED TEXT] this season I know it hasn't been worked bcos no one is allowed there to ferret whilst it's pheasant season anyways after chatting with a few older generation ferreters that's my season over time for my two girls to hav a well deserved rest
  14. Hope the mrs n baby k fella. Yeh I will prob go out once more this season cos 2 of the 4 we got had young in them so this season is def nearly over for me 
  15. Been out today n had a really slow day 1st place we went to got the nets out n bolted 3 so I thought here we go it's gonna b a gd day how wrong could I b had to move on to the 2nd permission we worked 16 different earths n had 1 rabbit so a bag of 4 has any 1 else found it that slow today ?
  16. I never use a finder [bANNED TEXT] a dead rabbit by the last hole u see him at norm works n feed him the night before u go 
  17. Pm me ur adress [bANNED TEXT] n I'll pop over sat
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