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About Nevthecool

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  1. Thanks alot i thought it might have been to good to be true do you know any good places to buy second hand rifles???
  2. Thanks for everyone's help i have just found this website, i anyone could click on the link and tell me what they think on the guns i would be really appritiative http://www.pellpax.co.uk/acatalog/SMK_Value_For_Money_Spring_Powered_Air_Rifles.html ....they seem good value, or am i just wasting money?
  3. Don't worry i will be using it with my Dad he is the one who is going to buy it for me
  4. Thnks very much do i need a scope?? if so, any good one???
  5. i am 15 and live in a rural part of chesire. I think there in a gun shop in Crewe(only 10 mins away from me)
  6. My brother has just agreed to go halves on one with me (yay!!) So i guess now im looking to spend £250 and suggestions??
  7. im a teen looking to buy my first air rifle. I've done quite a bit of shooting before with scouts ect. What would be a good first gun?? (ive got a really tight buget,and i would like to be able to use it eventually for hunting rabbits, pigions...) any help really appreciated
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