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Everything posted by codling99

  1. if his balls have swollen up,id say yes,mine used to chatter when i was coming to feed him to mind,so excitement is the key word i think
  2. theres only two types of ferret,a live one(one that works) and a dead one(one that dont work)
  3. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.huntwatch.info/images/badger_sett_entrance.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.huntwatch.info/help_in_countryside.htm&usg=__KoxlP2e6HMu_nsbdpFafhtMFpWA=&h=226&w=324&sz=60&hl=en&start=12&zoom=1&tbnid=f1xeltPGy4Q4iM:&tbnh=146&tbnw=195&ei=s25-TarWI8SJ4Aas3e3aBQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbadger%2Bsett%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1006%26bih%3D646%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C388&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=331&vpy=371&dur=8219&hovh=180&hovw=259&tx=186&ty=118&oei=pW5-TZzAHcephAeVurzfBg&
  4. no expert ,but i would think you ll tell the differance by smell of hole,and size of throw back,along with localy placed shit pits ,or food out side of hole if foxes are using it.
  5. lol that statement reminded me of some trips we had up to pensycynor wildlife park to relieve them of some large trout that looked better on the tables of hungry miners kids. has penyscynor still got the tobbogan run happy nights spent there penyscynor is now a persimmon homes housing site lol
  6. im also looking for this dvd if any body comes across it.cheers.
  7. lol,my sprocker is like shit of a shovel,but my russels are slow as fook lol
  8. just bad luck,some moles are good at filling them in,just reset it ,or move to a diff part of run and try again.
  9. Surely you mean dog ju jitsu...?? That's more to do with pressure points surely tou mean ju-shitzu
  10. its true,my yorkie killed a fox.....it got stuck in its throat and choked it
  11. cracking pics,and videos,keep it up fella.
  12. cracking dvd,should make another one i reckon.
  13. http://www.rspb.org.uk/advice/law/old_collections/index.aspx
  14. its a wart mate,not that un common http://hubpages.com/hub/Dog-Warts-symptoms--treatments-and-home-remedies
  15. just thought id join up and say hello,seems a cracking site from what ive nosed at so far
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