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Everything posted by paulsmithy83

  1. It's like anything physical you have your dogs that are like us and say the premier league in boxing/footy/rugby with natural talent and then you have your Sunday league players who will never make that grade how ever hard in trying . Regardless of breeding its all about natural talent in the end and the true best at there job out there hardly miss. takes a very good dog man tho to make sure they teach there potential some people could have something special and not no it as they can't get the best out of them. Swings and roundabouts I suppose. Lot in this coursing malarkey make your head bur
  2. Nicely bred there muka be watching with interest how he comes on, like this type alot
  3. Couldn't of ran many hares on both field and fen with those comments. Absolute balls, yes some types run faster then others but location doesn't really make the dog. I'd expect it to kill everywhere I took it
  4. A fit healthy hare that's seen a few crap dogs will always put a better test to a dog, you can tell a green hare from a mile away. I ran all over the country and apart from the fens I'd say it just banks on how much they been ran
  5. My bitch knows when I'm scanning the rab won't be lit up long enough for her to have ago. Took abit of perseverance but got there. I scan prity quick anyway. no need for blackpool iluminations . Now she only runs when the beam kept steady in one spot otherwise shes wasting energy even trying at first she would attempt running anything but soon learned when the lamp went straight off to wait for a hiss.
  6. Very hot round here, I just been having the mutts swimming with me in the quarry not to far from me keeps em cool and keeps us both ticking over
  7. paulsmithy83


    Any cretin could see that programme was bollocks, " this road won't last as long as a top quality road" ..........REALLY!!?........did they charge top quality road prices then? A robin reliant won't be as good off road as a landrover.....rip off b*****ds those robin reliant dealers !! An hour of programme to say absolutely f**k all I will say one thing, whatever you think about the Irish mob ( and hands up by and large I am no fan except for a few exceptions I have met) at least they got off their arse and went to find a few quid all over Europe.......how many moaning that they are s
  8. Welcome As said merl and eve ain't pure but tbh that will and should suit you more. Pure are very limited and I'll take a jump and say 99% the time you will always get a better dog once crossed out. Saluki have alot to offer in a running dog and once hybrid you get a more all round animal. Take you time with training and recall recall recall and recall with these types get it concreted into there heads. They don't like being man handled they really thrive off praise re enforcement and give them plenty of exercise. Most who don't do much with them generally have more problems. They have a h
  9. Funny that muka we have 100 acre arable fields behind me with no fence and shit hedges with loads of gaps as the boundaries between fields, the Alsatian x down road from me is 29tt 80lb and he had no problem dead of winter taking more then one big un at night. So if he's got the guts I'd think he be more then capable on them if it was still legal
  10. If the gypsy dropped him off it will be for aother reason not just for an injury. Most probly something work related. The injury probly circumstantial. That being said as said I would find a vet with running dog experience. My mate sore a very well known and respected bone man and gave him a diagnosis which was wrong a simple vet check and metacam that had been given by a friend(ideation) put right the bitch and she's flying. Bone men can only check so much when a simple x ray will always tell more. Can't afford it dont own dogs
  11. Nice strong mutt what he weighing in at now looks very big boned. If he's got the gutts he should take some stoping. Bet he has a large stride how he finding the rabbits. Suppose in time he'l have the brain to read the rabbit, I like the cross think you could have a handy animal him over a whip/grey bit more pace but hopefully keep the stamina and guts. Nice mutt tho
  12. Good point about that trigger I seen a few dogs that ain't ever had the chance of lead at night rely on you pointing and actual link the slip action to a rabbit not the beam. All mine when out one own have a good portion off slip to keep them sharp
  13. Giro muka there loads lamping comps out there , away from thl but it normally you get an invite not just put your name down and like most the entree fee higher to make the end pot worth it to a man. Bit like the saluki cups mate
  14. Would feel ever better if it was not the computer doing it but hey it's a start, I can use big words now and pretend I know what they mean
  15. This is a great advertisement to all the new guys with dogs. You only have to read the minshaw thread to see the work these dogs do. If you ever wonder how ,its because men like this spend there dying days out with the mutts putting the fitness in to man and dog. Not sat at home out walking until the sun goes down. Them mutts will fly this season fitness sure aint gonna be an issue
  16. Not sure who Aaron chatting about dont know him from Adam lol
  17. He wasn't talking about mine I was just mentioning a bitch I happen to go out with. got very good drive and stamina and will tuck into anything BUT she will not run double. That hit changed her view on other mutts odd thing is if the bambi was legal I'd say she would do quite well just that hit has stook with her. That was the last night I ever went with the t??t who let his dog off intentional. If she wasn't a strong bitch she would be with the stars
  18. paulsmithy83


    Appleby is going down hill it used to be alot better , now the police are just out looking to cause upset as it easy arrests and it well known travellers get the bigger sentences. The people used to embrace us up there now the pubs and shops have signs saying no entry to non locals, I used to always go sell a few of our horses and my dad used to fix other people's wagons. We don't travel by wagon any more due to the police fining us for the horses. Diesel vans don't shit as much as horses haha we just go by trailers now
  19. paulsmithy83


    i couldn't tell the difference between the two, both inbred with a love of mullets and a fear or washing are they not? Well, in truth you aint that far off with your inbred comment as they are marrying from within a fairly small pool of people to start with, but probably no more inbred than any remote rural village where the same old families have lived there for generations...........as for the mullet, well I agree that they do look a f*****g state cutting about with those silly haircuts but from what I have seen, again its mainly the Irish tinkers and yes some of those are dirty b*****d
  20. Same here mate give them enough work they learn. Even my plodder types can be if I want them to.
  21. Not right at all, my mates bitch is out and out catcher. Done 20+ many a time on lamp . will run all night . caught all types of game but she wont run doubled with dog she don't know or dogs bigger then her . Single she never picked any runs and never pulled up even after run after run, on ground all over this island, she was hit by a dog 29tts 80lb when the idiot let him off on her run. Hit her hard. Proper t boned her. Ever since then she never ran doubled. So does this mean she is a jacker and should be PTS ?????
  22. invoice is in the post Dont get post in this neck of the woods , postman scared to come down the drive for some reason or other. plenty pubs though haha Look at that for spelling a damn miracle I tell you. Hahaha
  23. That look a gud idea how do you pin it to tab and what are tabs??????
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