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Everything posted by paulsmithy83

  1. Haha just read that last one if put to luke must been the welsh honey. Good bitch she was, Luke speaks for himself. Good bit of breeding there. Should be able to spin both field and fen
  2. Nice bitch there mate is it bred from the honey in Wales or the one up north
  3. This pup be out with me in season 11-12month me think
  4. Be interested in that me self , any pics inside
  5. Don't like guns at all , give me a catty with ball bearings and I'm away
  6. We got a 7000 acre estate off my back door, I reg run the dogs through on quad. Mainly for fitness and if we got the hounds types out like you said to stay with them great fun tbh
  7. What do you reckon mate? Half cross?How tall is he gaz
  8. Reason treat no toy as toy release drive which it should have plenty off especially with with bull types. At all cost avoid treats if gonna work him later down line that causes more problems then its worth not just on recall . Sky cat will have that artical for you.
  9. Game of throwns have any bearing on the name ???
  10. Very true that and Many don't mix out side the culture so that a non starter in it self, I know few very good fighters most go glove free. More out of respect and its more of a test to see what man you are . just my view.
  11. Train recall recall and recall loads of praise on return and don't give him treats rag a toy with him for abit . Bulls type love this as a reward as it releases there drive so want to come back for this reward. Don't take him were there's a breath of quarry find somewhere blank of quarry to train him. Then when the hunting season his first few times being shown game should be by ferreting no hunting up let gaz's dog mark and let him see bolters and slowly realise by staying close to you is where the action is. Then start having him off lead when ferreting again he should learn where you are is
  12. Get anything Owain aslong has I ain't cramped up in the back with dogs I don't mind. You cramped at the back???? unless Owen grew a few more feet to make up for all of 3 ft of you I would of thought you'd fit in the foot well Owen muka the estates are good cars get a dog rack then you laughing. Edit to add sorry jonny although not met you I heard you got turned down for the playing the hobbit in the new film not due to looks but you didn't make the hight category........ you was to small haha
  13. Enjoyed that , shows just how much this game has changed. It's like a bank hiest now to do abit every time you step out front door you risk your lively hood
  14. Glad we got rain coming now for next day or so
  15. Reds.... No thanks lol I've been carried and cucked by fallow stags them red are on another level. There are dogs that took a few but it'l be honest mine aint got it in them to
  16. The 'trained retrieve',..for a running dog composite,.requires a different approach, with regards to achieving success, than when schooling a bird dog... Personaly,...I would eschew the usage of any persuasive training and instead,..concentrate on that most important and necessary attribute,...the recall... Get that right,.and you will have your fetch....feck up on the training table,.. and you'll have feck all... Just an opinion,.and I could well be wrong.. All the best, Phil. Spot on always said it recall and retrieve come hand in hand . I have never owned a dog that wouldn
  17. Might have to Invest in one , very good pics indeed
  18. Didnt say you lay 100 nets all time haha I didn't even know you had 3 out of a 100 holer I was just told you ain't got much about you and some sets are very large and need 100 nets and you love your ferreting enough to do that for a few. To get numbers up. there was no malace in it at all. but there could easily be. So in all fairness I ain't gotta be carful at all we both speak our mind this lad in the 18 yrs of us knowing each other he's never led me down the wrong road. If you ask him straight to his face he tell ya straight. great thing about us guys like it or lump it no licking rings. I
  19. I day walk / lamp / ferret without nets. Keep a fen dog and a field dog and terriers well one terrier is actually a bedie/whip but fills the role as a decent busher so
  20. From how you wrote it you sounded like you meant the few not the 1000's hence saying YOU now its WE and tbh I know a fair few in this game obviously only a small % and there's no threat to the rabbit population haha you guys know who you are lol don't you like to get numbers j i thought you did hence the nets. your probly the only guy i heard of enjoying laying 100 nets for 3 rabbits. that says alot of how far your go to get the tally up. there are very few that hunt like jim, maybe fuji/tomo/brick but most others dont catch like these most of us only take a small proportion of what's being br
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