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Everything posted by paulsmithy83

  1. Feed every morning at 6am as normal which is about 1/2 - 3/4 there meal then always at about 4pm for top up. Seems to work well here.
  2. Oh and you will def get jailed for hate crime lol. My cousin got 8 months for calling a taxi driver a black b*****d and to f**k off back home after the taxi driver said he dont take drunk white men. Cousin hadnt had a drop as he dont drink . Cop over heard conversation and my cousin was arrested, Remanded and jailed.
  3. Look at this lol going viral at min http://www.silverpeers.com/viewtopic.php?t=13239
  4. early age they be ok . Only time i wouldnt is if you have rats in garden if on farm or something. As there a new strain of lepto thats carried from rat i think Protection to this isnt carried from bitch. Protection only come from once jabbed i think. Maybe someone else might know more.
  5. I like the bulls in video on them in pen or no pen. The way they went in showed they knew the score and had the guts to do the quarry. Straight in no yap just on the ears and control. That yapper would last two mins around me. Looked a husky type. I know boar men have them yippers in the team but I HATE any noise in a lurcher. It spreads like wild fire.
  6. http://www.powa.org.uk/reform.html Someone fancy reading this and making sense for me. Saw it on a poster. Had this on there
  7. I do not hunt the pigs with dogs like most do here in the states. I use dogs similar to what many Australian guys do and i hunt the way they hunt. My dogs fit my hunt style really well. Most people here in the US think I'm nuts and am asking to get my dogs killed but, actually I think my way is safer on the dogs and I don't need more than 2 dogs when hunting. There are pros and consto every style. I have never had a dog die nor have I had to retire one YET. I've had to give them a little time off though. The day will come when I loose a dog but i hope it never does. I'v
  8. I like to eat them as long there not to old. Had a few hog roasts with boar. Get the seasoning right and there pukka. Mustard bit of garlic and pepper seed. Blackstreak Do you get many injuries doing them all the time ?? Also do you have to retire many young dogs due to injury from them ? In the states they seem to have alot of youngsters coming through is this due to the short work life expectancy ???
  9. Not that it will change anything for me but i can see when labour get in power again all hunting will be banned with dogs. This repeal has done them all the favours putting it in lime light again.
  10. You get your accidents in all parts of lurcher work. I havnt had anymore or less injuries in forests as i have in a field. The quarry your after it self has more potential to injure if anything
  11. Thing is catching one or two nothing great but how many till you can really say they are boar dogs. 10,50,100 i'd more say the later. For you to start naming crosses they must took some serious amounts lol
  12. Supose its what floats your boat some guys wont run at all in forest. Thats what your after do you find her bay on scent change when on them. My beagle x sounds like he being strangled. Real odd as he dont do it on any other quarry scent. Just normal chirpy bark on everything else.
  13. A good deer dog should do both and be doing it regular. If it cant catch in forest then to me it would be worthless. Do you track them often with the teckle??
  14. Cheers again jai haha yeah was not in uk neither is my perm for them Yeah couldn't be truer
  15. Haha how did that story/trad start in scotland nothernlite. I just had to look on google as i thought haggis was a food lol
  16. Suprising i think they taste nice
  17. ^^^^ lol good point about the law forgot about that one obviously all this isnt in uk Boar is all about technique ive seen some prity crap dogs catch them. I had a bitch terrible at everything else. Just had a knack for them. Just had good technique. Straight on the ear and controlled them. Also seen some great dogs who all or nothing on other quarry who i'd own in a shot be no good on them how ever many times they tried. I think it just an individual skill taking them. Personally i find them more of a hinderance when we after more prized things and these set dogs off. I hate shooting but
  18. Boar are everywhere. Dam nightmare sometimes. Cause alot of damage to a lurcher if they ever get hold or ram. As couple above said they take some stopping regular. Seen dogs take a few on own with good technique but never consistantly enough. I shoot fuckers with high powered cross bow on alot my perm they do my head in distracting my dogs. If wanted a out and out boar dog i'd just run a slim down mastiff type. Bit daft actively hunting them with a lurcher imo
  19. Best advice has been given just feed 4 times a day. You could feed a pup half a sack of food in morning but with pups some pups they just shite it all out and dont digest most of it. So lose weight. Thats where barf diet helps solve this and regualr meal times each meal is smaller but more often. So body get chance to digest it all. Then has next meal.
  20. Tell its wrote by an anti surely know body is that stupid ???
  21. The main issue i find is salukis getting branded plodders they are a fast animal but they are seen as plodders because they have such an easy stride. They look to be effortlessly trotting but in reality they are motoring. Its only when they are ran next to other x's you really see just how fast they are. I think the beddy lurcher mixed with saluki lurchers just seem to gel.
  22. Man can put them up for what he wants. £250 is a run of the mill price. Some people are just to cheap in the rearing and expect everything back in return i dont see rew being like that. Hes invested alot into them already. As should be the case. Looking forward to see how these pups grow.
  23. Probably the same reason loads are up for sale now... for no good reason!Honestly, next time i'm in the market i'm deffo going to be looking for dogs like that, at this time of year. A max of £150, on those 'preloved' an 'pets from tits' type sites or just trawling the vast lurcher pages on FB will land you, type wise, anything your after, all you gotta do is make sure its right and give it a go, what ya got ta loose... Very true there is a lot of shit out there but in between it all there are a few gems to be had if look hard enough. I bought a bitch off a man as i knew the breeding well he
  24. Suprising how many people take a stop watch out with them when coursing. You are right tho i wish those 2 minutes in bed could feel like 10 maybe the mrs be happier haha
  25. i wouldnt put a pure over her either. You will have a completly different dog to what you got now yes it could have endless more stamina but thats a whole lot of saluki in the make up then. I like pure salukis but think for what your trying to achieve a coursing bred animal would be better suited.
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