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Everything posted by Wilky

  1. We used the double cap collars for years, they were all that were available and they worked as well as the later Deben ones, the caps were just the back socket from a co-axial aeriel plug and cost coppers to replace. At the time the collars cost 18 quid to buy brand new and there was a lad going round the F&M meetings selling copied ones for a tenner, if it was possible to make them up then, why can't some electronics buff copy the later Deben ones, there's still a massive market for them. As for the extended brass caps on the Deben 15 foot collars, my mate has a couple and they hold t
  2. Wilky


    I do 2 days, 2 nights 4 off, with 18 days off 5 times a year and I f*****g love it, loads of time off to do whatever I please, jobs crap mind, but the time off is excellent. But if you want an example of long hours, what about this. The farm where we get our chicken carcasses, there's a bloke works 75 hours every week, he works Mon to Sat and he says "I get Sundays off, well except for nipping in for two hours to feed up" He nearly bloody lives there and every time we go to pick some chicken up, he's ALWAYS smiling, he just must love having his hand up a chicken's arse.
  3. As above I'm looking for a Paslode IM65 nail gun, cash waiting if anyone has one to spare. Oh and I'm not interested in ebay before anyone shoves a link up.
  4. If there's anyone on here that's clued up Trade Union wise, I'm looking for some info regarding Crisis and Dependancy legislation. A good link to the legislation would do, I have seen all the paperwork a couple of years ago, so I kind of know the ins and outs, but I need it in black and white, a good mates job is on the line, so any help would be gratefully received.
  5. I've just sold a Titan Bearcat mate, nice guns, very accurate. They were bought out by Falcon and spares can still be obtained from them.
  6. Desperately need an adaptor for a Logun MK11, the part that fits on the end of the barrel and which the silencer screws onto, Logun won't send direct to the public and I've been having absolutely no joy from 3 gunshops, the one on the gun is chromed, but I'm not bothered what it's made from. So if anyone has one spare, cash is waiting and I would be eternally grateful. Cheers Wilky
  7. Looking for an air pistol, something along the lines of a Webley Tempest, suitable for use in small traps/control work. Anything suitable considered as long as it's not too dear.
  8. Personally I think this killing cubs/not killing cubs argument has been done to death more than once, the same as most folk I go on some places where they HAVE to be dealt with, it's not pleasurable and it's nothing to brag about, it's certainly no test for a terrier, and when I have to do it, I do it mainly to keep my permission, pest control or not, it just makes it nicer when you have the option not to. Wholesale slaughter is not my idea of a good day out.
  9. She only brought the two out and we got her coupled up, she dropped the first one at the hole end and was back in before we could catch her, wasn't expecting it. The vixen will most likely move them mate, but I have had it happen before and gone back after a few weeks and sat and watched them, so there's every chance they'll be alright, I'll be checking on these in about a month, I like to see them playing in the evening.
  10. Had a nice pair with a young bitch this morning and then did a nice handy earth and the bitch brought these out. Definately the earliest I've had in a long time, popped them back in as far as we could, watch them crawl away and then left them to it.
  11. I bought mine for £150, from a good mate I have to say, I would happily pay twice that for one, an absolutely belting machine.
  12. Wilky


    My mate drives an old Landie, he says it's not a 4x4 it's 40x40x40, it'll do 40 miles to the gallon at 40 miles an hour for a maximum of 40 miles, because it's that uncomfortable you can't drive it any further, I've used it and if you drive over a pebble, it's like being kicked up the arse with a clog. Oh and he lies about the economy, it's crap on fuel. Japs for me I'm afraid.
  13. Betty Boo - Say it isn't so, next up is Paul Anka - Can't help lovin you.
  14. If that's Rammo from Dewsbury you're talking about, I can tell you that's a true one, but they couldn't get a terrier to back the whippet it up, they had to trench on to dig to them, the whippet was firing the terriers back out, they didn't know it was a whippet that was besting the terriers until they dug on and when they did realise what it was, the daft fuckers were falling out amongst themselves who was having the bitch, but you're right he just is a rum c**t, they don't come any dafter. That will have been about '82
  15. I have an air bottle with "A" clamp and pressure gauge for sale if anyone is interested, the picture shows a hose, but that went with the rifle. The bottle is out of test, but is nearly full, it is in excellent nick and I would be amazed if it failed a test. If anyone wants to make a sensible offer before it goes on ebay, it's in West Yorkshire. The marks on the air bottle are as follows :- PZ FABER 92/95377 022 TP 348 BAR BS 5045/1/CM/S OF 232 BAR 15oC 10.0L 11.3KG http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a33.../Airbottle.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a33...ad88/Valve.j
  16. Wilky


    Tusk versus tooth is a belter.
  17. After a bit of a sort out I've found four tins of .22 pellets, if anyone wants them, they can have them, one tin of each, some more in than others. Accupell Gamo SMK Eley Wasp They're in West Yorkshire and would suit a young un that does a bit of plinking surely.
  18. We were out Tuesday night, same, very quiet, got a couple of bits, then my bitch rove her front leg wide open trying a Texas Heart Shot on a bouncy fcuker going over an old wall, but if you wait for everything to be just perfect, you'll not get out much.
  19. It'd be a lot easier if you knew the make mate, but if you can't get what you want an old micro switch from a washing machine will work.
  20. Kieron, you can borrow mine if you want mate, just don't let that dog get his chops round it.
  21. Wilky

    Deer feet

    Whilst we have a decent taxidermist in our village, I wouldn't give the two faced twat the time of day and I don't say that lightly DS it's borne from years of experience working terriers with the man in the early 's and he's still a twat now, but thanks for the advice. Baldie, straight as a dye, as always thanks mate. Deerstalker, you more than obviously know the score, thanks very much.
  22. Wilky

    Deer feet

    Can anyone give me a bit of advice on curing Deer feet, I'm looking to use them as stick handles. Any advice would be appreciated.
  23. Thornton 4x4 breakers, I got a set for my Trooper for 120 quid and they came on alloys, not flash alloys, but I thought the tyres were cheap enough, they generally have plenty of everything in, I think they're in the Yellow Pages.
  24. We managed to get one or two, but there must be an huggin floating about of the second dig, it was like a display at the Carphone Warehouse at the end of the dig, not very impressive. Was a bloody good day in general though and by far the biggest highlight for me was that little Airedale/Whippet, an absolute little cracker and game as the devil himself.
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