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Everything posted by Wilky

  1. That magpie must use the same f""king optician as Stevie Wonder to fall for that fox. It'd give your kids nightmares.
  2. I know this is going back halfway up the thread, but why does R.W. get the credit for Simmy. As far as I'm aware the dog had two owners before him, he got the dog at 4 years old as a made dog. Just wondering.
  3. One of these went on ebay a couple of months ago for 355 quid, I've got one i had bought about 1985 as a limited edition, they are very nice, but it was only about 30 quid new.
  4. That pic of the dog coming in close is a belter, that'd make the Lab boys sick as an African
  5. They tell me Royds Hall Res is still a good do and Harold Park Lake, but I'm no fisherman, also there's a good spot just going into Barnsley on the road from Ingbirchworth, can't remember what it's called, and you can still pay for a days waterwhipping at Kilnsey trout farm.
  6. Had a go at Molly's Rabbit pie with Black Pudding and loved it, so tried a twist, Rabbit and Black Pudding Ravioli, absolutely fantastic.
  7. I didn't mean to upset him, honestly, and I can't take a f""king picture in the daylight never mind at night, If you want a body shot with no head on I'm bloody marvelous and I can't take pictures on my phone either, every time I try some c"nt rings me and it all goes tits up. I was saying good shot, there you go I'm just f""king jealous.
  8. A greyhound breeder local to me uses one made from one of the old type fire alarm sirens that that skinny f""ker on "Wheeltappers and shunters" used to use. They are already geared and you just wind em in by hand, very quick and no electrics, his is just stuck on a metal spike that he knocks in the grond and a nylon rope is attached to the winder. It's a really simple and effective tool.
  9. Obviously you're steadier with that gun than you are with the camera. :11: :11: :11: otherwise you would have come home cold and empty handed.
  10. I buy mine from the local chemist, a quid each and they sell them seperately, so you only have to buy them as you need them because like everything else they have a limited life span.
  11. That's a bad loss mate and it truly is a shite when something like this happens, but at the end of the day, that's terrier work and if any of us had our choice, wouldn't we all like to go out doing what we like best, what we live for, guns blazin an all.
  12. What's the daftest sounding job you have to do at work. I'm on nights now and I've just had to "Dig out my windbox" Oooh painfull.
  13. It's wick with it on the golf course near me, a local young lad is cathing them all the time with his terrier, that's how badly effected they are. Yet where we shoot just over the hill there is none.
  14. There was a thread on here recently about quick release leads, this is the type we used to make, easy and reliable, can be used on a short handled slip or a long coursing type slip.
  15. The Quiet man , good find Wilky, great film, Barry Fitzgerald and Maureen O'Hara also contributed heavilly. Oneredtrim <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spring And Port Wine An absolute classic for fish lovers
  16. This trick was tried at a place I worked for, they installed a camera in a P.I.R. sensor to try and get rid of lad (who wanted sacking anyway-lazy twat) who they couldn't catch up to no good, they caught him on film, but it was kicked out at a tribunal as they have to inform you that cameras are in use under "the protection of civil liberties act". As far as I can remember that's what happened. It didn't get the lad his job back, as they can't be forced to do that anymore, but he did get a fair pay off. At the end of the day if your boss wants rid of you or anyone else, all he has to d
  17. John Wayne The Quiet Man The fight with John Wayne and Victor McClaughlin is priceless and a drop of Guinness for good measure
  18. Wilky

    pissed off

    fcuking chin him... :realmad: :realmad: ................Carreg <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This has happened to me, show some supposedly decent lads a bit of good sport and next time you go back the b*****ds have dug the earths and left them wide open, so I agree with Carreg, stick one on the twat, and when he gets up, give him another just to make you feel better.
  19. Wilky

    Slip Leads

    We used to make them from a piece of aluminium, 2 1/2" x 1" x 3/8" thick, if you can get the aluminium, it's quite easy to cut the shape and drill it for a release pin and spring, if this is what you are after I could do you an accurate drawing to make them up from. Wilky
  20. Top man, what a step by step guide, it was like breath in breath out, but they'll all be wanting it now
  21. Sindasoxs has kindly given me a crash course at photo posting for P.C. illiterates, so I hope this works. A little dig from last year With this dog Just a couple of the terriers Well here goes, press post stick your finger up your arse and hope for the best. Cheers Sindas
  22. Wilky

    cine 8 to DVD

    Cheers Corkonian, but unless I'm certain it will be done professionally and not damaged, I don't really want to risk losing the original, maybe it's sentimental but to us it's too valuable. I guess that's why I asked on here, I hoped someone else might have had something similar done by someone reliable, too many do-gooders out there. Thanks again - Wilky
  23. Me and my mate have an old cine 8 that was taken about 26 years ago. It's quite a good little film of his old dog One Eyed Jack doing a bit of work, quite a well known dog at the time, and on the film he's still got both his peepers. We are wanting to have it put onto DVD and would like to know if anyone knows of anyone cable of doing it. Obviously we could just screen it over a projector screen and film it with a camcorder etc, but the quality would be crap and I'm a bit loath to just try someone from the yellow pages etc as it may be accidentaly damaged if they are unsympathetic to the film
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