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About Lesley

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I have two Jills and as I don't want kits I think it will be best to spey, I don't want them to risk infection every time they come in season either as I would be gutted if anything happened to them, so my question is when is the best time to spey and do they need the jab to bring them out of season first? Sorry if its been asked before, had a look but couldn't find anything Thanks in advance
  2. I have 2 jills and they get on fantastic,
  3. I want to move now to both those places, are there any fish in that pond autumnbriar
  4. Lesley


    Such tidy sheds you all have we can hardly get in ours , gardening stuff, ferret stuff, tools, dogs crates ect ect and no organisation whatsoever
  5. They are all under 3, Callie(dark brindle) looks ancient doesn't she with her grey muzzle
  6. Hope you enjoy them,had a fab holiday they spent a bit of time bunny chasing then down to the sea for a dip
  7. I only educate those that can learn. clearly you have nothing to say now! wippets started from the miners racing them, and this still goes on! but your silly pedagre bunch are from the same lines, with all the good bits bred out of them! so at the end of the day all your dogs are just like driving a brand new range rover around "look every body look how much money i have got"!!!!! but they are slower stupider and now where near as hard wearing , so whats the point in having them. please educate me otherwise The only education here is choice, everybody has the right to cho
  8. S.E.N teaching assistant in Upper School
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