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Everything posted by Dazzam

  1. Through one of the hunting forums another member pm me to see if i was interested in doing a bit of ferreting....of course i was. After a few phone calls we arranged to go out this morning to a spot which was literally 5 min from my house which i had never ferreted before. We met about 10 o'clock and exchanged pleasantries and then set of to ferret along the roadside which he had wanted to do for a long time but as he normally ferrets on his own he hadn't the chance to do it before as it requires two pairs of hands. Nets down and ferret in and after a short time two bunnies. We moved along the
  2. As always great write up and great pics. I'm sure your tally would have been higher if a lot of time hadn't been spent on digging.
  3. A wee update of this ferret. Took her out today as she has gained all her weight and is so full of energy. She now looks like a healthy ferret. Anyway the first burrow i entered her was an 8-10 holer. Had to dig one foot where she had one in a blocked end and then she bolted another from the same burrow. The next burrow was a 10-12 holer and after 15 minutes she bolted one from this burrow also.
  4. Fantastic!! looks like someone had a great days sport.
  5. Have a look at the boxes on ebay and you'll get a few ideas on how to attach the strap to the box.
  6. Was gutting the rabbits out earlier and noticed a few of them had young. This weekend will finish me for the season
  7. Up early this morning, so boxed the ferrets and net bag and set off in the hope of a few hours ferreting. Had a brilliant time and came across a new spot where there were plenty of rabbits but only done a few sets as the others require another set of hads. These will keep for another day but still managed six bunnies
  8. Does anyone have a contact number for Agouti. I see from their website they supply net making material. I want to contact them to see if they supply completed nets and their contact client address is not working. Thanks folks
  9. If you're confident with handling them get out there and enjoy yourself as someone has already said it's not too long before the season is over. If you're not confident with handling them wait until you are, as many a ferret has been ruined because of poor handling. Have fun end enjoy.
  10. Brill mate its great when you put your ferrets down a burrow and you hear the bumping or when a bunny hits the net. Only those who enjoy our pastime know what we are talking about. Its better felt than tell't.
  11. Was supposed to go out for a full days ferreting today with friends but after a hard week at work with long hours i was knackered this morning, so i went for a walk over some local fields with the ferrets and a handful of nets. First burrow was a six holer, down went the albino jill, ten minutes later and out came a bunny with the jill hot on its heels . Tried a one holer but nothing at home so moved on to a six holer that i hadn't ferreted for years, down went the albino jill and within five minutes another two in the bag . Not bad for a short time out in the country and thankfully no diggi
  12. 6 rabbits in half an hour.......and you seem disappointed......you are too well spoilt . Always enjoy reading your reports, you must be the envy of so many of us with all the good ferreting land you have permission for. A wee question for you steve, do you mainly hunt will jills or hobs or is it a combination of the two.
  13. Was speaking to a woman earlier today who keeps two ferrets as pets only. They are spoilt rotten and play with her cats etc etc so much so that one of them turns its nose up at meat to which i said to starve it until it does. She asked me if they would work or not? I didn't know what to say? What do you reckon? Can ferrets become so friendly with other animals that they lose the hunting instinct?
  14. I'm not asking for peoples opinion on eye colour vs working ability.
  15. Wanted Dark Eyed White Jill ferret wanted. I live in the Belfast area and am willing to travel. Send me an email, thanks
  16. Thanks everyone for all the advice and kind words, appreciate it very much . I am housing her with my other jills as i have just got the one hutch. It's big enough being 5ft long with two levels. Feeding her with my other two but a couple times a day i box the other two and feed her on her own with a mixture of mince,egg,ferret paste and milk. I've had her for about 48hrs now and can notice that she is gaining weight. After she has had her fill she messes about for a minute and then hits the bed zzzzzzz!. Hope she makes a full recovery and becomes a great wee worker
  17. According to the guy who sold her she was born may/june last year. From the telephone conversation i had with him you would never have expected the jill to have been in the condition she was in as the questions i asked him ticked all the right boxes. Folks, thanks for all the advice an encouragement. It's just a matter of feeding her good quality food and seeing how things develop. I just hope that she wasn't starved from a very young age. Thanks once again everyone
  18. Hi folks, I'm new to the forum and am looking for a bit of advice. I seen a working jill ferret advertised for sale and rang the bloke. After the conversation everything sounded good on the phone so made arrangements to go and have a look at the ferret. Yesterday afternoon I travelled around 50-55 mile to where fella lived. He seemed a real nice guy but when he took me to the side of the house to where he kept the ferret to my horror of horrors the cage was diabolical and the ferret was a real mess, barely skin and bone When i handled the poor wee thing you could literally feel every bone in
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