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Danny R-10

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Everything posted by Danny R-10

  1. Nice one Steve, lovely shot mate. ATB Danny
  2. Wow what a weekend guys, well done to you all and especially Davy for the organisation. Poor rodents didn't stand a chance. ATB Danny
  3. Very interesting to see how to dispatch Bugs with the head pushed back. Nice one boys. ATB Danny
  4. Nice piece of kit there Darryl, christ help the bunny's round your way. ATB Danny
  5. One in a million is our Davy, Top Notch Bloke. ATB Danny
  6. Absolutely brilliant read Darryl, I found myself sitting on the edge of the chair waiting to see what happened, I think I was as excited as you mate. Brilliant shooting as well and a very good write up. Well done guys. ATB Danny
  7. Nice one mate, you must be ao proud. ATB Danny
  8. Looks a lovely piece of kit there Darryl, can't wait to read your review. ATB Danny
  9. Thanks for all of your help on the phone last night Bill it was much appreciated. (Top Man) ATB Danny
  10. Nice to see Steve, not bad at all for your first night. Keep up the good work mate. ATB Danny
  11. Hey Bill, Nice to talk to you on the phone last night mate, thanks for the info on the viper cant wait to get it and start using it. You are a top bloke to do business with and thanks for all of the advice as well. ATB Danny
  12. Thanks Bill, much appreciated. ATB Danny
  13. hi bill is that when davys is in his mankini or naked or when you cant see him:tongue2: atb steve Bloody hell lad's steady on. ATB Danny
  14. I recently purchased a Twink Mk2 from Davy Thomas (Davy63) I origonally posted a letter with the money in it. Problem was it never arrived, so I then set up a pay pal account and did it that way. I duly received My Twink the next day as promised by Davy. I thought what a numpty for posting cash with a letter, and wrote it off to experience. Today at about 5pm I got a phone call off Davy who stated never guess what has just arrived, I said what he said your letter with the money in it for the Twink, only took 8 days first class, not bad from Surrey to Swindon. Anyway the point of the post i
  15. He most certainly is a Top Man mate. ATB Danny
  16. I recently purchased a Twink Mk2 from Davy Thomas (Davy63) I origonally posted a letter with the money in it. Problem was it never arrived, so I then set up a pay pal account and did it that way. I duly received My Twink the next day as promised by Davy. I thought what a numpty for posting cash with a letter, and wrote it off to experience. Today at about 5pm I got a phone call off Davy who stated never guess what has just arrived, I said what he said your letter with the money in it for the Twink, only took 8 days first class, not bad from Surrey to Swindon. Anyway the point of the post i
  17. Nice one buddy, good shooting. ATB Danny
  18. How much do you want for it buddy ? Sorry mate didn't see the price under the pic. ATB Danny
  19. How much do you want for it buddy ?
  20. Sorry to hear that Steve nothing but scum buckets. I got stung by the Royal Mail after posting £50 like a numpty for my Twink Mk2. The letter never arrived, ended up using pay pal. Keep your chin up mate, what goe's around comes around. ATB Danny
  21. Welcome to the site Smoggy, you will have a lot of help on here if you need it, a great set of people. On a lighter note what is happening here ? 2 Smoggy's and a Makem in Surrey what is the world coming to. ATB Danny
  22. Nice job there millsy, doesn't look cheep or tacky I think the gun looks very nice. ATB Danny
  23. Not be getting any more early morning calls from them 2 then Si. Nice shooting buddy. ATB Danny
  24. Excellent shooting there Si, and the camera work wasn't bad either. well done buddy. ATB Danny
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