thanks guys for your advice its very helpfull, i found the best way to not leave any nets is to us a elastic band to hold them tidy in the bag and then put the band around my wrist as i set the nets there for i know how many nets i have out
hi i haven't long started ferreting i currenlty have a few purse nets that my grandfather had as a young boy and a few i bought off of a friend but they are mainly green, i have noticed there are many brightly coloured nets on the market what is the thinking behind colourfull nets and wont the rabbits shy off of them?
atb joe
i had the same litter last year bedlington greyhound bitch springer dam , i kept one pup just to see what he would be like he is a brilliant bushing dog flushing fur and feather ideal dogs to pair with bull lurchers for day time charlies
i have a bull lurcher that seems to be determind to kill my springer any advice on how i'd stop this, ( the kennel brush is now in pieces after last night)
atb joe
hi i would like to start doing some ferreting as i currently only run lurchers and i was wondering what sort of equiptment i would need, for example roughly how many nets would i need ect, ferrets, hutches and runs all ready sorted. all the best joe
i am looking for permission to shoot rabbits and other small varmint in or around the neath port talbot area. i will be shooting with a .22 air rifle pm with any possible information thank you joe.
i am looking for a lurcher to run with a bull x , i'm looking for a dog that will have a good nose but also be able to have a bit of sport on the long ears and rabbits
i've never had a bull x collie x grey but i work a bull grey and a collie grey as a pair after charlies the colliex has a good nose on him but i think thats about the only thing that putting a collie into the bullx would improve but thats just my opinion