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Everything posted by north.east.no1

  1. any bitches for sale ? must be able to do the job

    1. scottishlass


      what kind of species lol


    2. north.east.no1


      any thing what single handed . bullx to prefer

  2. hows it breed mate ? how old and what does it stand tts ?
  3. hi im after a slap mill for the dog money here some one must have one for sale any help ?
  4. will post them both for £5 plus £45 for the books mate
  5. nah [bANNED TEXT] sorry 300 is lowest i could do if i sell them idividually i would get 360 for them good price for the books
  6. I have full collection of dog books for sale will take £300 for lot or will peice it out . Lurchers Of dogs and deer limited edition No.635 £ Running dog addiction £20 Now thats what i call lurcher work 1 & 2 £40 Lurchers and longdogs £20 Gaze hounds and coursing £10 A coursing year £ 5 Working deerhounds, lurchers & longdogs £20 Terriers Badger digging with terriers 1st edition no dust wrapper £30 World of the working terrier no dust wrapper £10 Work them hard treat them like heroes £40 The working terrier yearbooks 87/91 £15 Hard work
  7. i have a subaru for sale tax and test on a r reg black everything works as they should has sunroof and towbar
  8. no mate its not and thamks anyways iv got 2 new ones now back on the road
  9. they dont mate iv tride every thing and no from north east sunderland
  10. wanted single handed dog or bitch got to be single handed no cocker money here for right dog

  11. im looking for 2 lamps dont want no shit got to be in good working order money here north east
  12. hi im looking for some shocker for my subaru money waiting here in north east can pick up some one help me out here plz thanks lads
  13. ere [bANNED TEXT] the fukin dog is 4 yr old it shud of seen some action. im nt nockin the dog its a nice animal but av got more scars on me bell end thn [bANNED TEXT] tht dogs got!
  14. any one got a half cross pups for sale ?

  15. r reet mate am not being a knob or out but i run bullcross's thats single handed, for the bitch being 4 year old an 100% it should have more battle wounds than that 500 quid its a bit steep. all the best with the sale mate nice looking dog but too much money for what the dog is in my eyes.
  16. hi lads im after a subaru with a bit tax and test and got to have a tow bar money here waiting inbox me for me number if any one got one thanks for looking
  17. well lads looks like il be heading dwn south to night with the lads in THE SUBARU !!!!!!

    1. reavo2k9


      how did u get on pal

  18. can only send by mob inbox me ya number plz thanks alot
  19. any 1 help plz im try to put to dogs up for sale it say i can not stared a new topic y is the help plz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. north.east.no1


      so how will i get it shorted i wont to sell to terriers [bANNED TEXT]

    3. stabba


      Go to the top of the home page and click on the store icon..follow the instructions from there mate

    4. north.east.no1


      thanks for ya help [bANNED TEXT] cheerz

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