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About Show-MeWrangler

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  • Birthday 17/05/1988

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  • Interests
    Rodeo, running dogs
  1. Awesome run there Dan... that blue dog really really kicked it into gear at the end after the yellow dog was loosing its gear... Awesome run-- Give ya goosebumps wishing you were there yourself-- Thats what its all about!!
  2. They MAKE "Princess" wear the stupid clothes and sit inside a bag. I feel bad for all the poor "Princess's" out there why??? if i had the choice of sleeping on me own in a kennel mid-winter or in a nice, warm double bed with a pretty young lady, who wants me to lick her all night, i no what id choose lol Very true!... Most all my dogs sleep in the kennel... unless its a cold lonely night... and i want some company... then i bring a couple in to sleep in bed ... but generally .. on the cold nights.. i have been out WITH the dogs... and they are covered in blood.. thats where i
  3. umm... do a lot of travelin coyotes and fox are the favorites... too many fences around to have too much fun on the rabbits.... we are soo over run with the coyotes right now... but they stay in the thicker cover ... Patients ...patients ..patients... are NOT my friend!
  4. I have not really ever posted much.... but this summer is getting long-- and im itching to get out and DO SOMETHING!! soo I figured i would post some pics of the pups Isi Moki, Isi, Lily Moki Lily Isi and Moki Isi and Moki Isi and Moki Cracker
  5. I can see that ... I groom dogs for a living... and people will bring in Fluffy, Precious, Princess, baby... **EYE ROLL** and they think their dogs wouldnt hurt a fly... but dang it.. those are the ones that BITE the crap out of me!! If people werent so blinded by how they THINK things are... it would help.. Dont they realize that these dogs USED to HUNT for their food?? People ask me dumb questions and make dumb comments like .. call me a bad person for **MAKING** my dog do these things... i dont **MAKE** my dog do anything... anyone that knows anything about anything would KNOW that i


  8. So, People who run running dogs and people who work the falcons.... Whats really the difference? Why is Falconry widely "accepted" and recognized but the running dogs arent seen as the athletes that they are? Im from the states and nobody accept the running dogs, thinks its dumb and its looked down upon.. now i know over there you guys are watched MUCH more closely then we are. But still... Why is it ok for a falcon to kill something, but not ok for a dog? I will never fully understand the rules that "THEY" set for "THE PEOPLE" .. BLAH!
  9. .... agree with the "litle man syndrom" it is the amount of heart and try in the dog that decided what he CAN do... but even a 100# guy can be a quarter back for a little while... til hes all busted up. Our job to decided when hes had enough .... I am excited about what my Little dogs can do... but i am not going to push them to break down... i want to use them NEXT year :D
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