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Everything posted by scutty96

  1. looking for a lurcher x lurcher bred collie x after mine had to be pts after a nights lamping in december, she was an 11th generation collie greyhound bred by a man called garry in telford, shropshire, in 2016. I lost contact with him and was wondering if anyone on here might know him, she had a seizure at about a year old and another one that lead to her death whilst lamping, wanted to know how the rest of the litter turned out and if they had any similar problems, thanks for any help Maud
  2. Thanks, No just a generation bred collie greyhound, unsure on percentages
  3. Collie greyhound, grandsire was bred by typp ratcher
  4. Hello, does anyone know if the Sheffield catapult company is still making and selling catapults? Thanks
  5. It's sad too see all the little housing estates going up in the Hampshire westsussex area in spots I've mooched about in growing up, in the last few years it seems any little field on the outskirts of towns are getting built on, and the rabbit numbers seem to get worse each year, although there are pockets where they still seem to thrive, it's just often on nature reserves
  6. I have kept a jackdaw and it made a brilliant pet, until a fox got too it through its aviary. was thinking of having another this spring but I also thought perhaps a jay? Has anyone kept one? Do they make as good a pet as a jackdaw? I was wondering as they are a lot more timid in the wild. Thanks
  7. Reading through this reminded me of a brewery here in Hampshire http://www.longdogbrewery.co.uk/beers/
  8. Yeah I think this one may end up too big, I can't see that when fully grown a rabbit would be able to pass him or get free from him to bolt if he had hold, but we will see. And thanks for the offer onemanandhisdog, but I'm in Hampshire
  9. Had ferrets for about four years now, and always just kept jills as when I was starting out it's what people told me where best, then after reading on hear lately I noticed that a lot of peoples opinion that hobs where better, more thorough type of worker, so this year I got a hob kit and he is huge, at around 8 weeks I think he must be he is the size of my largest Jill, so my question was can they be too big to work? Should I have tried to find a smaller hob?
  10. Mine always came in every 6 months but has just come in, 3 months late
  11. "He's as Tight as a box of monkeys" "You don't know if you want a shit or a haircut" "He smokes like a beagle" All ones I've heard my grandad use
  12. scutty96

    Why ?

    Guess your back up London, lucky to see all these cars I've never in my life seen a Bugatti veron in realJust go to Jack Barclays in Berkeley Square theres a couple of them on the shop floor.......wear a nice whistle and they might let you see in one......either that or just look at them through the window What do I do blow the whistle as I walk through the door or what what's the point in the whistle round my neckWhistle and flute=suit
  13. Did anyone not get a reply to their email at all? I sent one Friday and still haven't had a reply.
  14. i think i have found myself some birds now, just got to get some pens built then ill go and pick them up, cheers
  15. ill ask at havant tomorrow if not ill go to gosport, thanks mate
  16. i always used a vac hob to take my jills out of season but don't have access to one anymore, i was wondering if anyone knew a vet that does the jill jab in the portsmouth area? i did phone a couple of local vets last year to ask about it but the vets said they didn't do them. cheers
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