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Everything posted by rink123

  1. Push the pin back in with yr pinky if that's what it needs. If not the gun is suffering something different to mine so you either have to act on what you see or make a judgement what to do next. Halam Or just stretch the spring a bit, it is just jumping back to safe from the recoil
  2. Lol dont dry fired a gun old or new if you want to try it out get percussion caps
  3. Or you can do what i did for years no ear plugs now no ears
  4. Well if you can shoot ? you wont go far wrong with a baikal I have been shooting a long time now
  5. NO NO you are all wrong, if you dont have a sgc you can only use a gun lent to you by the landowner and under is superviosion
  6. Well if the gun shop will pay £100, it is worth £200
  7. I had a walking stick 410, when I was a lad wish i still had it now
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