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Everything posted by ftm

  1. I'm normally spot on with my identification of birds eggs but this one has me baffled . Located on a flat bit of land at the top of a disused quarry only metres from an oyster catcher nest .it was size of lapwing with a creamy white shell /Brown blotches
  2. I found one few yrs ago right on side of a track that was regularly used by ramblers and it was a successful brood
  3. Closer to me and I would jump at the chance .good luck
  4. Me Craig and Ian went for branches today but they still tucked up in nests so it was a case of clearing up the ferals around 2 dairy farms owned by same family .mk1 rapids in action on a glorious day in Northumberland.total 107 birds
  5. The nest won't be looked at again by me mate .squirrels might get to them though
  6. Nice little bullfinch nest . I had spotted hen bird a week or so ago with nesting material so left it alone and checked the area the other morning
  7. Blackbird in customers garden today
  8. Found numerous long tailed tits nests with eggs and 2 goldies sitting eggs watched a bully building this morning and spotted a blackjack. There's a mallard with 5 young in tow on a small stream near me
  9. ftm

    The Final .

    You might drive to the ground but car will either be gone or up on bricks when you come out lol
  10. ftm

    Small holding

    Yeh steve old pig farm over lines top of luka
  11. Me and craig went to a mates small holding this morning as i had spotted a few corvies on it as i drove past it the other day. We split up with me behind an old caravan that faces a field that i have permission on and craig used an empty stable to get a decent view of the small paddock on the small holding. I was expecting jackdaws comming in but 1st kill came my way and it was a woody .Craig followed with a woody and then Craig dropped a crow off the chicken coup which brought a flurry of activity his way and he was chuffed with his 1st coloured crow lol we called it a day when it we
  12. ftm

    The Final .

    Well done pompey .game of 2 halves you deserved it in the end
  13. ftm

    The Final .

    Gnasher your better than that pal give it a rest .we safc fans don't have much to party about so when the opportunity arises we go for it
  14. ftm

    The Final .

    One proud grandad
  15. ftm

    The Final .

    Yeh that's them mate
  16. ftm

    The Final .

    My grand daughter will be playing at Wembley just prior to safc v pompey eight 13 yr old girls representing her school and safc vs Bristol city .I'm more nervous for her than the main event lol
  17. ftm


    People voted leave and that doesn't seem to be happening so no wonder people have lost all trust / confidence in any party
  18. ftm


    Think you will be disappointed mate.they won't let us leave .As has been said the goal posts are constantly moved to suit the powers to be .treacherous self serving hypocrites need stringing up
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